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Food Mill Question

I finally got my hands on a food mill here and wonder if it is tuned in correctly (this is China...just because something is on a store shelf doesn't mean it's not broken).  Anyway, is the blade supposed to come into contact with the screen at the bottom?  Mine rides millimeters above it, but not touching.
Is that right?  I haven't really used it yet and will go get another one if it is supposed to be in contact with the screen.
The blade on mine rides on the screen and it has a spring bolt on the underside so the blade can ride up over seeds etc.  I can use it even for things like cherries with pits and it will work all the pulp through and leave the pits in the pan. 
I've not used one of the newer ones with the interchangeable screens.  With mine, it a system of turning the handle 3-4 times forward, then one turn backwards to lift all the pulp off the screen. Repeat, repeat, repeat to work the pulp through, clean the screen, work the pulp....