• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
The Japanese bell pepper I was keeping at the office developed an imbalance of the humours and didn't show any signs of coming back. So I culled it.
Goodnight, sweet slightly bitter prince.
I got my stuff moved downstairs for the new office; here it is before it gets clutterfscked (the couch is desperately trying to hold on to its ottoman, which I definitely don't have room to keep).

The most significant change (aside from the decrease in elevation and the total lack of decent windows down here, which I'm not at all happy about, but I get the impression "oh, you were happy, haha that's nice" is kind of what happens when people have children) is pulling out one of the lights in the tent to try and bring the temperature down. I also rearranged the fans a bit to try and get a more effective intake/exhaust effect. It was hitting 99F upstairs this week, so clearly it needed a lot of help.
[edit: I ordered a little projector to shoot about a 70" picture right in there where there's a lot of empty space... getting back a very small bit of what I miss from the US. Exciting!]
Well, the projector didn't pan out at all. Oh well. Think I can return it; we'll see.
The outdoor plants seem to be enjoying the rainy season, now that it decided to show up. Had a couple fish peppers ripen, as well as some goronong, for which seems like I might have two slightly different plants.

I picked up a small sprayer and some insecticide; deploying the big guns some time this week, I think.
I'm hoping to start my first batch of fermented hot sauce tonight. It'll be small, but I'm pretty tired of waiting.
On the right, frozen lemon drops; on the left, lemon drops, goronong, fish peppers, and the red one with the long stem is the single Korean pepper I've gotten to ripen. Since this picture was taken, the green has pretty much shown itself the door.

The office peppers have turned into a total loss.
After chopping the J bell, I finally noticed the absolutely massive aphid infestation my hawk's claw had developed. Hosed it down twice with the strongest insecticide I could find (it sure as hell smelled the part) with little or no effect, so it got chopped, too. Same variety as my 'bonchi,' which is doing well and pest-free in the tent at home, so no real loss. I did get some pods from it, which will be sacrificed to my coworkers.
The office CGN was really stunted from a stint it did in my cube while I was away; it finally started coming around... and then got attacked by the aphids from my hawk's claw. That one I'm probably going to take home and stick in the carport with my non-producing white devil's tongue, just because I'd like to get some pods from it before I kill it.
To leave you with something pleasant, here's a picture from the last time we went to my favorite Korean restaurant. :)

That's DIY garlic butter in the lower left. <3
Well, I finally got one started. :)
Goronong, lemon drops, fish, that single Korean pepper, and three cloves of garlic (the stuff we have here is weak, and I really want it to come through).

Got one of those fun little glass weights in there. And you can see that last tiny bit of green, laughing at me from the brine. Yeah, keep laughing, I'mma eat you in a couple months.

So there it is, chilling in my office, in the water catch I use for spills when I'm dumping my dehydrator water into bottles (it pulls about two liters of water out of the air every day right now).

Fingers crossed!
Sorry about the office move. Looks like you are making the best of it.
Why the move?
My chocolate hab turned out another absolute unit.

I'd be a lot more irritated, but it's working on a few normal-sized pods, so hopefully it just took two bad swings and now I can look forward to decent hauls.
I'm really pulling for your wife to have a successful
pregnancy, 'Fish. I am sorry to hear about your past
experiences. That has to be a roller-coaster of emotions.
You could do a lot worse than instill a love of peppers,
gardening and horticulture in your offspring, my friend.
I have a feeling you have a lot more to offer, though!
CaneDog said:
Bet that unit would still light you up!    ;)
Haha, no doubt about that. 
PaulG said:
I'm really pulling for your wife to have a successful
pregnancy, 'Fish. I am sorry to hear about your past
experiences. That has to be a roller-coaster of emotions.
You could do a lot worse than instill a love of peppers,
gardening and horticulture in your offspring, my friend.
I have a feeling you have a lot more to offer, though!
Thanks, I appreciate that! :)
Much like I have no idea what kind of creature my wife might be incubating, it turns out I might have been a little too certain about at least one of the varieties I'm growing.
Devil's tongue... white?

I know some peppers go through more than one color as they ripen, so maybe it's that? This has a nice color, it's just definitely not what I was looking for from this plant.
PaulG said:
At least you have pods, brother!
What is with your unrelenting positivity?! 
I dropped Justin at WHP an email and he confirmed this isn't normal, so it's likely some sort of cross. I can't say I'm too sad about having at least two and probably three F1's out there, and as of this morning, that day-glo orange is only getting better.
My goronong is going nuts; I'm getting at least a pod or two a day from it. Fish pepper is doing pretty well too. Lemon drop seems to have slowed down a bit, but everyone else is picking up the slack. The mutant-or-hybrid purple UFO is also podding up significantly, and one of my hawk's claws has finally started ripening pods. So when it rains it pours, I guess.
The F1 I wanted (red hab x Fatalii) I have three fairly healthy plants for now, and they're starting to bud, so hopefully those are on the way.
Last night I pickled some peppers for my wife, since she loves pickled jalapenos for some reason (I don't get the appeal). She was a little confused because she insists there's no way she can eat something that spicy... so now I guess I get to develop a taste for pickled peppers.
PaulG said:
Sounds like lots going on there, pods rolling in. That is great!
Yup! Definitely pleased with that. And this devil's tongue... thing... looks pretty sweet all ripened up.

Now I just have to get my damn tent plants producing... seriously at a loss. Lately I'm seeing max humidity in there at around 76%; I think that's a little on the high side, but could it be responsible for 100% blossom drop? The temperature has been way more habitable, going between 75 F at night and 80 F during the day like clockwork.