dr. hebert, in the article has been on local radio discussing the barcode of life project several times, what is neat about the technology, is it can be used to dna peppers and soil. as the technology to do dna testing becomes cheaper and portable, you could identify those "iffy" pepper seeds bought on ebay. in soil, one could detect which microbes are resident in your soil.
i have seen fish mislabeled here but not because the store is trying to cheat the public but due to immigrant workers that speak/read virtually no english. i bought some fish heads & tails scraps for very cheap..... it was mislabeled halibut steaks but them all. halibut is really expensive here but head & tail scraps are almost free. i tried to point the mistake out to a clerk but all i could get was "fish good". so i left with my fish heads & tails. to the other extreme, i have found recalled food products on the shelf, recalled due to ecoli - that one i wasn't leaving the store without the store manager acknowledging that the product was on the shelf and that he was promptly removing the product.
one of the items that burns my butt is relabeling frozen product have has reached its original expiry date.