free Free juvenile plants

These are seedlings at this stage and I'll hang on to them for at least another few weeks to ensure they are healthy and powering along.
They are currently outdoors all day, indoors at night.

In 100mm pots now, so post is outta the question!

These estimates are based on whats going strong as of today;

Red Congo x 5
Yellow Congo x 4
Peri Peri x 10
Douglah x 10
Naga x 10
Choc Hab x 10
Trinidad Scorp x 10
Barrackpore x 4
Bonda ma Jacque x 6
Yellow 7Pot x 2

I'm in Logan, sth of Brisbane but I work mainly over the Southside and can meet up possibly.

Just PM me with what you'd like and Ill try and make a list, and get in touch once its good to go.

cheers, John
Hey john, if your keen to send to Sydney I'll buy some from you, I've received n sent plants through the post before and they've come out alright :-)

All you need is a soft drink bottle and some toilet paper :)

I'd be good for a couple of douglah,, trine scorp and your 7 pods
Mel - I'll PM you in a sec
Sci - Sent my contact details

Ive counted out what is available currently.
A few of the plants are now spoken for, so this is what I am happy to part with;

Peri Peri 5
Douglah 10
T Scorp. 3
Fatalli 1
Yellow Congo 1
Red Congo 3
Naga 12
B'pore 7 NIL
Choc Habs 12
Bonda Ma Jacque 3
Hey john just got home with the plants you gave me thanks heaps there doing well in there new home i will keep you posted how they get along thanks again man your a real Champion
Alright, just an update.
Ive still got plenty left, and Ive got someone waiting in the wings to take the majority off my hands.
Ive got some set aside for Mel and Tony too.

I'll get an accurate list happening tomorrow, but there'll be some additions;

Cili Goronong (Malaysian Hab-style courtesy of Ajijoe)

Yellow 7s (courtesy of Sci/THSC)

7Pot Jonah (Ajijoe again)

Yellow Bhut

Red Habs and Big Reds (from Moshman).

I'll give it a week or so, and after that, there all yours Dave!
Dave, if you want to head over later in the week or the weekend, I'll load ya up ;) Can you PM me your number, and I'll give you a bell tomorrow.
Dave, if you want to head over later in the week or the weekend, I'll load ya up ;) Can you PM me your number, and I'll give you a bell tomorrow.

Sorry, I'm a bit late, had problems registering. If there's too many for Dave, I'll take any that's left.
