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storage Freezing Then Dehydrating

Ok So Sense Im The Only One who Really eats Super Hots in My House My Plants are producing a few More than I can Consume, I Freeze Some of them but I know they Loose there texture after, I was thinking What if I Freeze them and Wait till I get a Dehydrator, will the peppers not mess up or anything after they are Frozen, and can I send Frozen Pods to People without them Rotting?
With the cell damage caused by freezing, I wouldn't ship unless you can keep them frozen. As far as drying, I'm told it works out fine, but this is my first year and I haven't tried it myself yet. In the meantime keep an eye out for yardsales. A lot of people who buy dehydrators like the idea but lack the patience after their first batch of jerky. I got a $70 nesco for five bucks that still had the paperwork and the box.
Ya i wouldnt send frozen pods to peole unless you are shipping htem thermoregulated with dry ice or in a special shipping truck or something cuz they will open a box of potentially rotten mush lol..
You should be able to dehydrate them fine tho. I dont see why not.
Theres another way.to send frozen pods but its expensive to do it... Send em with 5lbs of dry ice in a box suited for shipping dry ice...We do it all the time using FedEx as our shipper... Not sure of the current pricing of shipping a box with dry ice in it, its do able
Well ama send some pods in a while just wondering if I can send them that way I dont wait till i get fresh pods from each plant to send em, ill just wait then, and then I will Freeze all the pods I dont eat, so many that go to waste, well no more, and Do you guys Just put the pods in the freezer or should I put them in some special bag or topper wear.
Well ama send some pods in a while just wondering if I can send them that way I dont wait till i get fresh pods from each plant to send em, ill just wait then, and then I will Freeze all the pods I dont eat, so many that go to waste, well no more, and Do you guys Just put the pods in the freezer or should I put them in some special bag or topper wear.

Personally I just dehydrate mine because they shrink quite a bit and can be either stored without taking up freezer room, or flaked/powdered and then you can litterally fit liek 100's of pods into small containers. I coule easily fit 100 fatali pods into a sandwitch ziplock when powdered and over 50 flaked easy.
Personally I just dehydrate mine because they shrink quite a bit and can be either stored without taking up freezer room, or flaked/powdered and then you can litterally fit liek 100's of pods into small containers. I coule easily fit 100 fatali pods into a sandwitch ziplock when powdered and over 50 flaked easy.
Nice Now all I need is a Dehydrator, I seen so many and they seem to do the Same Yet the Price differences are enormous and Not Just that I see better Reviews of the Cheap ones, Its confusing, Lucky me I get payed morrow so It might be a Hunt this Week, also Space is not the Problem is just that Deydrated pods well....Im not sure how to use em in foods
i thawed a bunch of goatsweed, superchili and other long annuums yesterday and they are in the dehydrator now. some had been in the freezer since 2010, freed up 3 bags out of the freezer.

when i removed them from the freezer, i put them on a paper towel and into the sun to dry out any moisture. once dried, i sliced them and set them onto the trays, yes, they were soft but that won't matter in the dehydrator. they are drying at 95F. got a good deal on fresh thai peppers and included them into the mix as well.