fresh jolokia pods

If you want pure strain seeds, you have to go the the source of the developer of that strain..i.e. if you want Bhut Jolokia, you need to get them from NMSU CPI...they are the ones that grew them and had them tested...if you want Dorset Naga, you need to get them from the growers in England, I think their name is peppers by post or something like that..

you can get pure strains in trades I suppose, but unless I isolate a few plants (read farm them out to neighbors that don't grow peppers), I either tell the people that I trade with the source of the seeds or tell them they have not been isolated...I am growing a lot of plants this year from my last year seeds and so far, most of them are true to type...mostly 7 pots, scorpions, and naga morich...

I buy most of my seeds from Peppermania, Burpee, and Tomato Growers new each season and what I have left over is what I usually trade..
Thanks for the tip and I got my BHUT from NMSU directly so I know it's a pure strain, but how do I know I'm getting a "pure strain" or at least a NON Crossed plant if I buy from sellers online??? I just don't want to spend my time and effort growing only to end up with a plant that will just disappoint because it's not what it should be.
If a company spends time badmouthing other companies when they could spend the time checking their site for mistakes I generally stay away from them... I mean, if you want to be taken seriously at least let some kid from junior high proofread the text.

Be careful with other seed companies some seed pods are also heat treated from foreign countries making seeds infertil outherwise they would need a seed import permit for each shipment.

But that's me. Seeds might still be good.
hey darkcat, i have friends from omaha, i should have some bhut jolokia pods real soon, as soon as i harvest some i'll send you one. pm let me know.
Guess dreamer must have found his pods. I live within a few miles of the cat and have almost ripe pods on the vine as I type this. Haven't heard a word from him.