Fresh Peppers and a new 45

Well I finally got some reapers to get ripe, Then a while later gotta call of a new 45 waiting at the local range for me. good day :P
? how do you tell when White 7 pots are ripe? Mine are big but still have a green tint to them...

Yeah its new so I'll have to get used to it. right now its sticky, gotta get some rounds down the pipe see how it goes....
 I'll let the real shooters at the shop check it out....  I'll get some pics of the white 7 pots,, Cant tell if they are ready..
Sorry for getting off on different topics  Jdee
Oh what about the white 7 pots do they get yellow or white. still kind of green. sorry for the gun pic....

Adriano its ok lol

If guns are bad here admin can delete no problem with me  love my peppers parrots guns and dang near every thing else...... sorry with the gun thing
Fast edit  also man I could be mean JayC seen that crap lolo
Jdee said:
Oh what about the white 7 pots do they get yellow or white. still kind of green. sorry for the gun pic....

Adriano its ok lol

If guns are bad here admin can delete no problem with me  love my peppers parrots guns and dang near every thing else...... sorry with the gun thing
Fast edit  also man I could be mean JayC seen that crap lolo
We've had numerous gun discussions on this board and even have a long thread about them here. I've never seen it to be an issue.
I was a little concerned when I saw you had a replica SAA and had all 6 rounds laid out. then I looked up the Horeseman and noticed it has a transfer bar safety. That is a good thing if you fill all 6 chambers. My only single action is a Blackhawk in 357mag. I need to get more. Maybe a Colt someday but definitely a Vaquero,
Don't know your answer about the white peppers though.
I will have a Blackhawk one day,
Always wanted one. Never had a bad Ruger yet,not that I have had a lot but the few I did have were super!
I'm just going to wait it out on the white 7 pots and see what they do.
Strange how different, the pepper plants are,. my Hawks claws and Sapporos put out tons of peppers.
all summer and just the past few weeks the Ghost,, whites and reapers are coming in good. 
First year for me growing ,,,,fun stuff :D
Jdee said:
love my peppers parrots guns and dang near every thing else......

I'd go with peppers parrots and puns... (for not breaking the p-pattern).

You've got a good sense of humor!

White 7-Pots should get just a little touch of yellow. (light wax color).
I got my first firearm when I was 12 and I know plenty of people who got into firearms when they were a good bit younger. Over the years I've accumulated a decent collection. I think of myself as a nice, good hearted person but if firearm ownership makes one "bad" then I guess that you can consider me one evil man.
Nice gun and nice pods!