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Friday Morning Pepper Porn 02-20-09


Well, its time for a pepperport update...

The superhots were planted on 09 January 2009....





and Scotch Bonnets planted on 20 January 2009




and here is my best plant of the year so far...it is a Bhut Jolokia from PRF...thanks Cappy...


Looks like it is going to be a good year....
Holy shit Batman!!

AJ you continue to raise the bar with your mad growing skillz. Someday I hope to have plants like that. Not that I'm giving up on our Chocolate fatalii competition, oh no, I'm going to win that one. Thanks for the inspiration.
Really like the 3" planters, saves a lot of space. Your Bhut Jolokia already has the leaf shape of a nice jolokia, the pods I took the seeds from were 4-5 inches long and the smell. That parcel really helped us share the seed, well done there AJ.
I'm assuming you'll sell some dried pods to a Swede who is hoping in vain for global warming by the end of growing season?

Man, I'm running out of space and there are more plants in the first two pictures than I have in total. I started a new job today, and there is an empty window...
thanks all...

dried pods to a swede...when they ripen, I can send some...no problem...

hydro...GK, I have never tried hydro...not saying I won't but I am just a dirt farmer...

JKJ...come on down.....

EB...no use to be jealous...your season is just behind mine right now...
AlabamaJack said:
hydro...GK, I have never tried hydro...not saying I won't but I am just a dirt farmer...

Speaking of which, AJ, how's your garden coming along? Are you still planning on doing it?

started annuums, baccatums, and tomatos within the last week...got a couple of sprouts I noticed this afternoon but didn't even look to see what they were...

Mike: I have an issue with drainage...the area is comletely enclosed as I spoke about a couple of months ago...I have to figure out some way to put some drains in that will allow the water to run off...it has drains down about a foot from the bottom of the area but nothing up top....I will have to contact the guy that built it so he can do something (and yes, I will have to pay him)....in the mean time, there will be containers there that can be moved if we get too much rain...(doubtful)

I haven't even tilled the area...looks like it will be next year before I plant in ground and this year will be containers again...

got a couple more beds to build....gonna build one for two different kinds of radishes and three more varieties of onion...plus if I have any area left over in the new bed, I can use that for another place for my herbs...

Have you looked into Square Foot Gardening and if you have, what are your thoughts? Some people swear by it and claim it's the best thing since sliced bread, others that it is hocus-pocus.

Rather than hijacking your thread, I'll start a new one but if you have any experiences, I would like to hear about them.
