started annuums, baccatums, and tomatos within the last a couple of sprouts I noticed this afternoon but didn't even look to see what they were...
Mike: I have an issue with drainage...the area is comletely enclosed as I spoke about a couple of months ago...I have to figure out some way to put some drains in that will allow the water to run has drains down about a foot from the bottom of the area but nothing up top....I will have to contact the guy that built it so he can do something (and yes, I will have to pay him) the mean time, there will be containers there that can be moved if we get too much rain...(doubtful)
I haven't even tilled the area...looks like it will be next year before I plant in ground and this year will be containers again...
got a couple more beds to build....gonna build one for two different kinds of radishes and three more varieties of if I have any area left over in the new bed, I can use that for another place for my herbs...