• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Frydad's Hot Mess Glog

Frydad's Hot Mess Glog.

To describe my setup is kinda difficult. I am a teacher by trade, but not a teacher like you think of the term. I teach young children, old children, adults, I teach reading, writing, artithmatic, I teach people how to teach. I teach people with disabilities, I teach people without disabilities, I teach gifted people. I teach life skills, I teach marine skills, I teach social skills, I'm all over the place. Don't bother looking too far into this, it's not worth it.

Anyway, I have access, through work, to a ilghted grow cart. It was sitting in a science lab somewhere, and I took it. Squatter's rights.
My plan is to get these babies going, and then split them between my students, my home, and some for Sum.

One of the adults I teach is from Serbia. She had to go back to her home country for a wedding, and, knowing my interest in hot stuff, brought me back a couple of packs of seeds. She didn't know what they are, and neither do I, so I decided to grow them!!!!

Concurrently, I received some seeds from a THP bud that I had to start with some of my students.

My back was turned, and I don't know where the hell they planted what. It's a horrible mess. I can't wait to see what happens.
The soil, for now, is just miracle grow potting mix. Some of it is from last year's grow, some of it is new. The seeds were planted a week or so apart.

If anyone knows anything about the peppers I'm growing, advice would be much appreciated.

Here's my list:
Peperone Zuti (yellow, from Serbia)
Peperone Picante (red, from Serbia)
C. Tarahumbra
C. Sonoran

While I'm not a novice grower, I have never grown any of the peppers listed above. I have other stuff well established at home, maybe I'll share that stuff too. For now, I'm intrigued by all the new ones. I probably didn't even list their names correctly. Any advice would be helpful!
I've heard how cool the growing community is here, and I hope to contribute some fun and madness to the mix.

Here's to a good season for us all!!

I think the red ones are just cayennes, I don't know about the yellow ones. Here are the packages.

Lighted grow cart in front of a crappy bulletin board that I didn't make

Some of the "packaged" seeds have sprouted. I also threw some onion seeds in there. Not sure where...


A small list, but I am sure the DC thread will benefit immensely from it. I will have to keep very well hydrated to accommodate for drool loss.
Woot! Got 'em goin! Now let's figure out which is which! Good luck and great season to ya! Give a shout if you need anything! A bunch of great grow heads already on here chatting you up!
Hummm, interesting Avatar there Lenny :)

How're the babies doing down there Bro? Are the kids takign care of them or has that all been dumped into your lap?

Hope all's going well

Things are going along great!
I have pics to post this weekend.

I have no idea what I'm growing. Shit I didn't plant sprouted up out of last years soil.

I transplanted 30 or so plants into red solo cups, slapped a fan on it.

Going well...stay tuned.
I love this!!! But I feel like the guy who mops the floor at an NBA game, next to the pros who run glogs here.
Please be patient with me. I'm a jackass who focuses on things other than growing, mainly my kids and cooking drunk.
But I am trying to grow with all fidelity. I don't know exactly what I've planted, but I know it will grow and be fruitful.
That's good enough for me.

I have grown many peppers in my day. But I've never done it on a glog.

This time, I decided to let my students do the planting, which was a HUGE mistake.

The only things that sprouted, to my knowledge, are the yellow and red peppers from Serbia.

All the other stuff was planted too deep and never emerged.

In its place, however, were some cilantro and other assorted strange looking plants.
I assume they were just dormant in the soil. I used it in the classroom last year. I didn't plant Cilantro, but it grew.
It might be dill. Time will tell. I didn't plant dill this year either.

WHATEVER THE HELL I planted has sprouted nicely, and was ready to be put into larger containers. I used red solos. Why not.
Thanks to your advice, I have had a small fan on them to give them strength.
I've been praying for them too for the same reason. Whichever way works, I expect them to be strong.

Here's an update.




Again, here's what I think I've got...

Fingers crossed...
I cut out the triangle created by the recycle imprint on the bottom of those cups for drainage. Hope you thought of drainage. If not, no worries... take a knife and twist it around in a few spots on the bottom of each cup to "drill" out holes. Things are looking good, bro.
Your plants are looking great. We all have planted a few seeds too deep once and a while. Glad you still have a nice crop!
Babies are looking good FD. You have me facinated with the Seerbian seeds, glad to see they poped. Send me a PM if you want/need some more pepper seeds. I know you were interested in the Bird peppers and I have a TON of Thai Short hots that I've been getting 100% germination on.
Time for an update my SoFlo Bro? You really have my interest with the Serbian peppers :cool:
And I love the use of Solo cups :)
The pups are looking good! I have about 40 plants or so going. Some random dill and radishes popped up out of nowhere.

Some of the bigger ones (about 5-6 inches tall...they grow up so fast *tear*) are starting to pop out flowers.
Can't wait to see what the hell these things are!

Any advice? Should I let them fruit yet? The soil is miracle grow all purpose potting mix stuff.

Also, check out the small darker plant. It has been growing VERY slowly from a spot where the seeds were planted too deep.
Does it look like anything to anyone?

Thanks guys! Happy growing!




Can't help on the ID tom but looks like it might grow to be a good plant when it takes off as it seems to be pretty tight already.

Lots growing for you know in the back of the pictures so your doing something right mate. Keep it up

Best of luck
Labrador Tea, eh? So you know I HAD to look that up!

"In medieval Northern Europe, R. groenlandicum and R. tomentosum were often brewed in "gruit" ales, prior to the adoption of hops"


"Labrador tea has narcotic properties."


"Labrador tea contains ledol, a poisonous substance that can cause cramps and paralysis....Toxic terpenes of the essential oils cause...lack of coordination, convulsions, paralysis, and death."

OOOOOOH. Like a kick to the balls!