
Hi all,

I have 3 pepper plants that have leaves shriveled up and dropped. The peculiar thing is that they attract flies that are sluggish to a point I can flick them with my fingers. Even the healthy green leaves just drop by themself.

this is a picture of my limon:

My datil:

Appreciate everyone input
First of all, welcome from Fort Worth...

that damage is not a good sign...if you have enough plants to sacrifice one of the damaged ones, you can pull the plant up, wash the roots off and see if you have root rot...the roots are supposed to be white and if they are kinda brown looking and you can pull the "outer sheath" of the root down easily, you got root rot...

I have been going thru the same thing for the past 2 weeks and have lost approximately 60 plants...why? stupidity....I was over watering...and the temps were above 100F every day for over two weeks...JMO
Hi all,
I fear that I have the same problem as AJ. I overwatered my plants. I can squeeze droplets of water out of the stems. Are they going to survive? Or I'm better off throw them away?
SDchilihead said:
Hi all,
I fear that I have the same problem as AJ. I overwatered my plants. I can squeeze droplets of water out of the stems. Are they going to survive? Or I'm better off throw them away?

Don't give up on them too fast. Pepper plants are tough. Just separate them from any healthy plants there are.
start using hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 1Tbsp per gallon of water every time you water your plants...this will kill all the fungus...but it kills beneficial fungus too...if the plumbing of the plant is not totally clogged with the fungus, the peroxide will help them...(tip from Willard...thanks Willard)

I have cut back drastically on the watering and the plants are looking much healthier...I think the peroxide did the trick...