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Fuzzy mold

I am noticing a fuzzy mold or fungus growing on the soil of the couple of plants I am over-wintering. Does anyone else have that happening? What causes it and what should I do? :party:
do you have them in the house and under lights??? if so i would cut back on the watering... thats the first thing i can think of...
They are in the house, just in front of the living room window, which faces West. There's subdued sunlight until about 2 or so, then full sunlight for the remainder. I have really only watered a couple of times since I brought brought them in - about a month ago. Should I be concerned? Maybe I'll just scrape it all off the surface, but is the soil contaminated? I'm not sure what this means.

Thanks for your response.
I had the same issue with seed pots.

A spray of dilute bleach or peroxide (emphasis on the DILUTE) cleared it up in moments.
glad this was bumped. i had a little mold issue today. used this method to eradicate it.

I wonder iif mine was caused by poor ventilation in my ghetto greenhouse (CD cakebox over a seedling).

and yes, i drained the water collected in the bottle of the photo.
If you bottom water, it should minimize any mold problems. That's the only way I water plants now, especially those in hydro.:lol:

I always used to top water but now I bottom water nearly all the time. I still top water about once a week because I think it's good to wash all the salts and stuff out of the soil.
rainbowberry said:
I always used to top water but now I bottom water nearly all the time. I still top water about once a week because I think it's good to wash all the salts and stuff out of the soil.

I only water about once a week - period! But they get a very good soaking. And during the winter and early spring, I tend to use only rainwater or snow (warmed to room temp, of course).
