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Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Yea buddy!  It's been hotter than Haiti outside so I bet your absolutely beat!  All them pods look amazing.  Can't wait to see the jungle again haha!  Also can't wait to see what you do with that Rennie clone.  I love checking in on your grow, especially with all the pod porn already!!!  I'm getting jelly over here.  I can't get a flower to set for the life of me.  Might be a little too warm.
maximumcapsicum said:
Excellent pods Jason! The Canario in particular looks wonderful. Plants look very happy. You using pine needles as mulch?
Thanks Adam. That canario got ate. :D
Didn't show the many unhappy plants. They out number the good ones at the moment, but the first planted are showing signs of taking to their new ground.
I use that ever is available from the yard for mulch. Leaves until they are gone then pine needles for the rest. They pine needles work out great other than the fact that they dissolve over the season. Worms do like them though.
stickman said:
Nice pod porn Jason... If you're starting to pull ripe pods this early, you're gonna be swamped in June! Great job!
Thanks Rick. Only getting pods from the earliest starts. The others from round one are a good bit behind. I will take (enjoy) what I get now though!

MeatHead1313 said:
Beautiful looking pods GA! Loved the reviews too. That reaper cross looked awesome.
Thank you MH. That cross is a mean one!
Devv said:
Nice pods Jason! AND Pube pods!
Glad to see those gals in the dirt, you're going to be loaded!
Don't work too hard this weekend!
Thanks Scott. Still working. 209 in the dirt as of tonight. Shoveling for a few more days!
jedisushi06 said:
oh yeahhhh!  
I can't celebrate till everything is planted. :(
OK. :dance: maybe a little. :)
Jamison said:
Yea buddy!  It's been hotter than Haiti outside so I bet your absolutely beat!  All them pods look amazing.  Can't wait to see the jungle again haha!  Also can't wait to see what you do with that Rennie clone.  I love checking in on your grow, especially with all the pod porn already!!!  I'm getting jelly over here.  I can't get a flower to set for the life of me.  Might be a little too warm.
The humidity has been up along with them temps. It's a damn sweat fest here!
The Rennie is looking much better. One if the dogs topped it. Then one of the other animals, dog or cat, broke it back again. Now that it is in the 10gal root pouch, it is doing much better. New growth at every node. Gonna be a bushy fellow!
Gonna throw up some more preconsumption pods shots tomorrow. To tired to mess with them tonite.
Devv said:
I agree, after the rains and now the heat, just too humid. I know it will pass here....
Drink plenty!
I got a good rain here today. Lightening had the power cutting in and out. The garden needed it, so the rain was appreciated! Plants should be looking happier tomorrow after this rain. The humidity? Sticky as ever!
I'm good at keeping hydrated, as I am sure you are out there in tejas!

A few pod shots.



Nice flavor. Heat was on the low side. Tasted like a yellow bell, maybe a grass like taste was in there, but only a hint, and then something I can't put my finger on. Wondering if it's the pubescens flavor, like most chinense have/share that chinense flavor.
Nice pod though.

Pimenta de Neyde


I read someone on here about the color or color less possibility of this pod. When cut open (sorry no picture), the inside looked much like a white pod, but somewhat more transparent. The purple did come though into the flesh, but not completely.
It tasted much like a white pod, but without the fruitiness of the other white pods I have grown. Heat was lower hab heat and gave a nice burn, mainly on my tounge with a big around the mouth. I did get some warm lips that lasted for a good while, but the mouth burn lasted about five to ten minutes.
Flavor wise, this pod wasn't terrible as some have said about there PDNs. I quite enjoyed it.

Aji white fantasy




This was a fairly large pod. I wasn't completely sure of its ripeness. Once cut open, the seeds seemed mature.
It had a full in baccatum taste and a chunch as expected. It tasted similar to the blondes I grew last year, but maybe a bit less fruity.
Still was a good pod. Come on now, It's a baccatum! It only had heat in the core, much like the Bishop's crowns I have grown. That was expected. It wasn't that hot but still gave me a hiccup fit for a few seconds when I chomped half the pod. Out of the three, the only one to do so. Funny how some supers won't and a jalapeño can give me the hiccups. I can never predict which will and then why.
Quite a beautiful pod, and the plant looks great with the light colored pods hanging on them.

Happy weekend everyone!
Funny... I posted here on Saturday morning and the post mysteriously disappeared...
Thanks for the early reviews Jason... the pods probably seemed a bit on the mild side now, but will heat up as the weather does. I'd be curious to hear your evaluation of the Canario by midsummer. You're right, the Pubes do seem to have a unique flavor... the Manzanos I grew last year had a flavor that reminded me of apricots and pinto beans. Everything's looking stellar bro' keep up the good work!
Spicegeist said:
those pods look really great.  the white pod looks pretty white, nice!
Thanks Charles. They are a nice color.
meatfreak said:
Great reviews and pictures, Jason. I was skeptical first on the White Fantasy but it really is white, looks amazing! Unfortunately not a big fan of the Baccatum flavor.
I'm on the fence with the baccy flavor. Love or just like. The white fantasy pods are of decent size too. Neat plant for sure.
stickman said:
Funny... I posted here on Saturday morning and the post mysteriously disappeared...
Thanks for the early reviews Jason... the pods probably seemed a bit on the mild side now, but will heat up as the weather does. I'd be curious to hear your evaluation of the Canario by midsummer. You're right, the Pubes do seem to have a unique flavor... the Manzanos I grew last year had a flavor that reminded me of apricots and pinto beans. Everything's looking stellar bro' keep up the good work!
Yep. Adam lost a post too.
Thank you Rick. The next round of pods have been hotter, and it's not ever hot yet outside. I'm looking forward to the other pubescens. Shouldn't be too much longer.
stc3248 said:
Looking awesome Jason! We have a mine shop over in Guam and many of the old school Minemen who've been statoined there rave about how hot those little Boonies are. Are you sure its an Annuum and not a Frutescens?
This one looks annuum. I also am growing Donni sali. It definitely is growing out as a frutescens. My buddy raved about the boonies. I am excited to try them.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great pic of the rocoto flower. How is planting going bud?
All round one plants that I am keeping are in the ground. 256 to be exact. ;)

To your missing post... The canario had a growth spurt during some raining days and split. To much water can get ya.