• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
chile_freak said:
in four seasons of growing peppers I've never gotten a volunteer pepper, I've gotten, tomatoes,squash,herbs, and melons but never peppers...lol! Maybe because I'm so meticulous about picking every single one of my pods off of each plant!
Seeing volunteers is really awesome! Anytime I find a rotten or bug eaten pod, it goes to the ground to rot/compost. I also got hit pretty hard with two frost at the end of the season. Both destroyed pods and I just let them drop.
This is the most I have ever had.
Let'em fall!

maximumcapsicum said:
Great update Jason! Yeah I am having drainage issues too... The rain is at just a high enough interval to piss off the annuums, though so far most the chinenses don't seem to care.

Pods are looking good. You got to come up with a new name for that peach-colored cross f3.

Keep growin'.
The majority of my plants are not happy. To much water! Poured last night again. A few quick rains today... And thunderstorms in the forecast till who knows when!
The in ground plants that have had a chance to get their roots going are looking good. That is a plus. A handful or two are going off. The latest planted ones are not happy yet. Look pitiful. Hoping the soil will be dry enough to plant the rest this weekend. Maybe 30 or so varieties left to plant, mostly annuums!
Hoping the best for us Adam!

meatfreak said:
Said it before and I say it again that PI-441598 x mystery cross F3 looks awesome. Is the purple/red spray on every pod or is it just sun tang?
That is sun tan, but it last. The F2s did the same. These F3 just seem to hold on to the color even more.
Here are a few shots showing the color. one with a immature pod.




capsidadburn said:
Cool pods Jason! The Daisy cutter juvenille is neat.

"Hundreds" of voluteers. I thought you mean't overwinters coming back at first! You mean't seeds from dropped pods or like my composted dirt I guess. I get a lot of those too and I always yank them. Too much going on to allow them the chance to live.

Have a great day!
I do the same Mike. Last year I let three volunteers live. They got shadowed, which stunned them, as the garden grew. Not one made a flower. One did survived the first frost. I dug it up and overwintered it. It is just started to flower so I will find out what it is, from the season before, soon.
The daisy cutter pod is cool. That was a cool surprise! Looking forward to seeing that pod mature!

Some more pods forming.

Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi (F3)

Green phenos

Purple phenos

First bhut from pepperlover.

My mystery green is growing standing pods again, but shape if way off.

Fatalii cream

CGN 21500
More F3's! I got to try one of those pods.
Yeah the rain is a bit much around here. Wish we could send some of it in Scott's direction, let things dry out a little. The anuums are the least happy with it here, though a couple habanero big sun pods went to rot on me with all the moisture. Hard to keep these things under control with only 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Of course if I go out of town everything will dry out bad.
Can't wait till you get everything in the ground bud!
I hear ya on the rain! 85-95 degrees everyday then heavy thunderstorms every afternoon and night! My one solace is that it was the perfect test of my container soil, which is handling the rain like a champ, probably all the nutes are washing away, but that is quickly remedied. It is the inground ones that are suffering. Those mystery pods are awesome, from what I see they look to be pale and thin skinned, It is possible that because of that they may produce anthocyanin, the chemical that causes the purple stains, with a higher frequency for protection from the sun, it is possible that excess production of anthocyanin in last generation, caused a slight mutation or adaptation in this generation, or it is possible this generation is getting stronger sun somehow, more afternoon direct sun, etc. Anyway the pods look awesome and the purple really sets off the cream color of the pods!
maximumcapsicum said:
More F3's! I got to try one of those pods.
Yeah the rain is a bit much around here. Wish we could send some of it in Scott's direction, let things dry out a little. The anuums are the least happy with it here, though a couple habanero big sun pods went to rot on me with all the moisture. Hard to keep these things under control with only 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Of course if I go out of town everything will dry out bad.
Can't wait till you get everything in the ground bud!
I'm all for that!
AaronRiot said:
Pods are looking great! I gotta agree with others that the sun tanned cross looks awesome... and that rocoto is huge.
Hope the rains let up for ya, look forward to seeing the poddage once summer really gets going!
Thanks Arron! Actually had two days without rain. It rained just down the road from me, but I was spared. I was able to get some stuff done!
Thanks in the pods too!
maximumcapsicum said:
More F3's! I got to try one of those pods.
Yeah the rain is a bit much around here. Wish we could send some of it in Scott's direction, let things dry out a little. The anuums are the least happy with it here, though a couple habanero big sun pods went to rot on me with all the moisture. Hard to keep these things under control with only 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Of course if I go out of town everything will dry out bad.
Can't wait till you get everything in the ground bud!
Two days no rain at the house! The dirt was dry enough to actually work with today. Got every spot filled in the garden. Ended up digging more ground up to get the last few I wanted. Everything else is going in pots that I want to keep at this point.
The F2 OW is podding up on the PI-441598 cross too. You will get to try both before long.
chile_freak said:
I hear ya on the rain! 85-95 degrees everyday then heavy thunderstorms every afternoon and night! My one solace is that it was the perfect test of my container soil, which is handling the rain like a champ, probably all the nutes are washing away, but that is quickly remedied. It is the inground ones that are suffering. Those mystery pods are awesome, from what I see they look to be pale and thin skinned, It is possible that because of that they may produce anthocyanin, the chemical that causes the purple stains, with a higher frequency for protection from the sun, it is possible that excess production of anthocyanin in last generation, caused a slight mutation or adaptation in this generation, or it is possible this generation is getting stronger sun somehow, more afternoon direct sun, etc. Anyway the pods look awesome and the purple really sets off the cream color of the pods!
Thanks for stopping in Chile_freak! I overwintered one of the F2 plants on that PI-441598 cross. It's podding up so I can compare the sun tan between two. I have both in the same spot getting the same sun.
These came from silversurfer's garden via coheed on here. They were a cream/white color one season, and red the next in his blogs on here. I got the seeds out of the red pods from coheed, and got one plant that was peach. The other two were red and had lower heat. I am stoked that this F3s kept the peach color. I lost the rest of these except one other plant that barely survived. I just potted it up, so hoping it is also peach.
Loving the sun tan. Anthocyanin is a cool thing. The Pimenta de Neyde's are full of it! I have all my other purple leafed plants planted next to each other, a few PDN crosses. I wanted to get a hold of some blue tomatoes this season but that never happened. Always next season to up my Anthocyanin intake. ;)
Devv said:
I'm all for that!
I huffed and puffed and keep the rain away. Did it make it that far west?
Spicegeist said:
Neyde x Suomi are looking nice...
Thanks Charles! I immediately assumed you created this cross, even if you didn't. I ended up with three purple and one green. The third purple has survived, as I thought it was toast. Excited about that.

I did get many plants, from your seeds, in the ground today! Lota bih, cumari Pollux, Chintexle, CAP 501, CAP 501 x Donni Sali, and more! Was a very product father's day for me!

Like I said above...
Pretty much done planting finally. Still a few that will go in pots, but the ground in full. Filled to the max!
A rough count was 367 in ground. And 60+ in pots so far.
Happy Father's day to all the fathers!
That certainly wouldn't be a bad thing! Anthocyanin is one of the most potent antioxidants so far discovered, it bonds w/ free radicals in the bloodstream which are proven precursors to cancer! That is why blueberries and pomegranates are so good for you! Speaking of blue tomatoes, the indigo rose is about the prettiest damn tomato I ever saw, definitely would love to get my hands on some of those seeds!
chile_freak said:
That certainly wouldn't be a bad thing! Anthocyanin is one of the most potent antioxidants so far discovered, it bonds w/ free radicals in the bloodstream which are proven precursors to cancer! That is why blueberries and pomegranates are so good for you! Speaking of blue tomatoes, the indigo rose is about the prettiest damn tomato I ever saw, definitely would love to get my hands on some of those seeds!
Ditto. Next year searching those out!
OCD Chilehead said:
Glad to see your coming to the end of planting. I'm confident all your hard work will pay off. Now it's time to sit back and observe for awhile. Lots of plants. Very cool.
Thanks Chuck! A bit of a relief for sure. Still a few I want to keep, so going in pots. And gotta run the drip lines and mulch everything. Plenty to do around here. :)
GnomeGrown said:
Beautiful poddage
Thank you thank you!

More garden Picts....

The first facing heaven pods are ripening up.

Aji white fantasy. The left pod has started to whiten up. The last pod I ate tasted better than the earlier pods. Liking these more and more.

Bhut x TSMB F2s. Looking good Charles!

The first mystery green that set pods is looking interesting now. Wonder if it is additionally crossed? Hope the others start setting some pods soon.

I ate a giant rocoto today. Nice flavor and a bit of heat in the placenta. Really juicy! Here is another pod starting to gain some size.

When each individual section swells up like they are going to pop, and the berry just falls off into your hand... It's ready! These blackberries are delicious!
I huffed and puffed and keep the rain away. Did it make it that far west?
 Well it got here last night!
We got .7"s!
An amazing year for rain so far, EVERYTHING is green!
Nice pods there Jason! That Rocotto is huge! I'm hoping Blackberries will grow here, with all the pics I've seen this season I want some!
Looking forward to a group shot of the future jungle, 430+ plants is just insane.
I'm thinking you like pain...LOL
Friday Eve.!