PeriPeri said:
Its been one hell of a season with a big finish Jason... incredible!
Thanks Lourens!
Looking forward to spring already. Keep posting in your blog to hold me over.
romy6 said:
Awesome all the love you are giving and receiving J man. Sucks about the frost but look on the bright side.
No more bugs
Can I request that the good bugs be spared! Plenty of love up in this place.
Let me know if you need any seeds. If this choc barrackpore #2 grows out to taste the same you might need to taste this one!
Here is one from th week.
Got some love from Jamison! MOAs and some lovely smelling chili powder.
Picked a few peppers that started to ripen on the dead plants today.
Didn't notice the red scorp had a hole till after I shot the Pict.
Most pods look like this.
And overall the garden looks like this.
Was raking leaves and found this little frog. Can you see it?
My dog loves sticks. She gnawed on this one while I rested in between raking.
Got this shot of the pile of leaves before dark.
It's about twenty feet wide and three feet tall. And still more to rake. And still leaves in some trees too. Plenty organic matter for the garden!