Garbage Set-Out Day

A great pastime in our neighborhoods is looking at the garbage people set out. It is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure. My neighbor just put out a 34x77" door that is all glass except for the framing as well as a window of the same size. That's 38 sq. ft. of plastic sheeting I won't need to buy or ever replace. It also means I won't need to use a solid wood door I was planning to (I use materials I have if possible). Or, it gives me an option. I can use the wood door at the opposite end where I had planned a solid wall (far west side that gets little sun anyway) so in warmer weather I can open the door for ventilation.

Very cool!

My wife packrats enough shite from the neighbors for it to be emberrassing. So I do not pick through the trash unless I see something really prime!!!

I seldom grab stuff from the curb but these were "prime." I figure if I add a layer of 6-mil plastic on the outside, and bubble wrap on the inside, they will be as or more energy efficient as anything I could buy.

nothin wrong with gettin free stuff you want or need.
I work for a sanitation company picking up recycling and i have lots and lots of plastic pots and the seedling tray things.
all different sizes so i wont have to buy any for a loooong time.

A couple of years ago, the garbage collection truck that serves our neighborhood found a 2' teddy bear along the route. One of the drivers rescued it and they strapped it to the front of their truck. A neat and appreciated gesture - the truck was the best looking one in the city!

hahaha yep we did it with a big stuffed elmo when i worked for the city of warren here in michigan.
it lasted about two years and then some council member got a wild hair up his @$@ and we had to take it off.
I'm needing quart jars and this year they are as scarce as hen's teeth. Yeah, I can buy them at the store, but at at least 75¢ per jar, that can amount to some serious money. So I wrote in my paper that I need some. A lady called to say she had some - she did! Two dozen quart jars, two dozen pint jars and a dozen jelly jars - still in their original styrofoam container. She threw in a few dozen lids and rings in both sizes as well as a very nice jar grabber and small funnel.

It wouldn't bother me a bit to can 100 quarts of potatoes and 24 quarts of whole tomatoes this year, so I can use all the jars I can get.

I love my readers!
