• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Garden Destroyed

AaronTT said:
Wow. What a bunch of little shits to pull such a move. I hope they are found. Hope your bed recovers quickly. If I was not stuck in limbo land selling our home, I would send you some plants myself. What a bunch of great guys to help you out! May these plants bless you with a large harvest!
No worries brother!!!! :) Hope all goes well on the sale of your home my friend!! Juanitos,jcw10tc,SmokenFire,Grant, and countless others help and offers of help have been just tremendous! :)
If harvest depends on karma I should be able to feed the world!! :)
Cheers my friend. And thank you! :)
OldSalty, I am not disabled for being a vet but I am both a vet and disabled.  Very low usable income from huge medical expenses.  So I know how much a garden means to a person.  We started about a decade ago because I needed a way to feed my family that met with my challenges.  Kids will be kids, but screwing with a man's garden just isn't the same as soaping a guys windows.  One doesnt make a guy go hungry or rob a man's joy.  So two thoughts come to mind.

1. I would be honored if you'd let me send you a care package.  No idea if anything would arrive in good shape cause I have no idea how to ship plants reliably.  Have the best tomato plant in the world for sauce: Amish Paste.  Also have some preserves from last year. No commercial kitchen, not a commercial product, but they havent killed me yet.

2. If you are a sustenance grower, suspect so, want to stay in touch.  I tried to launch a site for substance growers to help each other get bye, but it turned into spam city.  Would very much like to start again with a trend towards it being run by vets who are trying to use their garden to get bye, kind of victory garden idea only victory over poverty.  Not something that would conflict with THP cause main focus is on feeding family and self.

oldsalty said:
Well got up this morning went out to walk my dog and check on my garden. 12 tomato plants torn up and chucked around my yard bicycle tracks everywhere tore thru my pepper patch as well haven't surveyed the whole garden yet want to cry :( I'm a disabled vet live on a very small budget looks like I'm out of luck this year.
At least I got a late start on my pepper plants have 10 more waiting to go but the rest of my garden is kaput!! Tore my cucumber trellis right off the side of my house.
I'm super nice to everyone in my neighborhood including the kids. I mow my elderly neighbors lawns and ask for nothing at do bad things happen to good people!!!!!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvgggggggggggggghh :(
Does anyone know if I can replant the broken stem and get it to root they tore them up pretty bad hope I can save some of them!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)
What's the point busted my ass to get my garden done after my injury, was extremely painful to even get it together this year so PISSED OFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!
Just saw this one. That's heartbreaking mate, to add to the group think, I truly hope that karma is indeed a bitch
Aw, OldSalty, what a heart-wrenching story!  On the other hand, what an amazing outpouring of love and kindness! I always have extra tomato plants but I can't ship across the border. While it won't help this season, I can send you some seeds of just about any tomato you'd ever want. PM me a list.
Tomatoes are indeed resilient.  I always have a box of band-aids in my garden tote for such emergencies. A stem with a growing tip can be put in a cup of water for a week or two and it will grow roots so you can transplant it as a whole new plant.
Kids need their heads smashed a few times

It's so amazing to see how this community works. I just recently joined and to see this is amazing. It'll be quite some time before my pods come in but I'll let you know what all is ready and you can pick out some things or a little of all for me to send.
Hi Oldsalty. Have only just stumbled across this thread. I am so sorry for the damage and hearache, and I can totally relate to living with "unruly" neighbours.
Anyhow, I would love to send you some seeds. May be not for this season, but the next. PM me and I will pop something in the post for you.