pests Garden pest identify

Greetings Pepperheads!
I'm posting to mainly vent some frustration but of course ask of your wise help my friends. I've never had a problem with worms before so if anyone can give a suggestion on ridding my garden of these evil green monsters it'd be greatly appreciated! At this point a flamethrower is being considered. :flamethrower:

So far they seem to only be attacking my cauliflower, but it may only be a matter of time until they get a taste of my Naga or Scorpion before they too become pepperheads and eat my entire garden ruining my gardening life forever! Are these loopers?

Here's a pic of one of green monsters on my fence:

Here's the damage these critters are causing, btw this pic is a week old, the plant is half this size now:
I had them and I sprayed with malathion and it killed em quick. I'm sure there are other ways but it worked for me. If you prefer an organic method, then use insecticidal soap or neem oil should do it.

Thuricide (BT) is very effective and completely safe for the plant and beneficial insects. Costs about 6 bucks for a bottle at Home Depot. Others like Spinosad.
Your peppers should be safe as these usually stick to cabbage, broccoli, horseradish, ect. It is the larvae for the small white butterfly aka cabbage moth in north america. You can control them by just picking them off, or pull out the big guns and use some form of pesticide.
:woohoo: Home Depot for Thuricide here I come! Thanks for the replies everyone! I think next year I'm going to try raising a few hundred praying mantis's for my garden :P

just wanna share pic of the resident bug in my garden. it's all alone for now so i just let it munch on some of the plants.

You let it hang around and munch on your plants? Where there is one of these things there are a million of his cousins just up the road. Kill it and get prepared to kill the rest of the gang. Unless of course the reason you're growing the plants is to feed them.
Mix 71/2 mils of neem to 1 teaspoon of ivory soap in 1 qt of water may have to spray two days in a row. do not use detergent.