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garden Progress

Great to see your awesome pepper garden doing so well Dale. Everything looks so nice and healthy it won't be long you will have more pepper than you'll know what to do with. I hope you received the hot sauce from me, that should get you by until the peppers ripen. What do you plan with the harvest from all those peppers?
thats some space you have there,great looking chilli's and tomatoes
and to think of that bare space before..well done :);)
Thanks for the kind words everyone, I am very happy so far with the way everything is turning out. there have been a few scary situations though one is when i procrastinated (sp) securing the tomato cages and woke up one afternoon before going to work and 6 of the cages were knocked over. The plants were already pretty big and my Tidwell German was snapped in half about a foot off the ground so I picked it back up and put paver patio blocks around the cage all the way up just above the break and filled it with composted manure and top soil rerouted my drip system topped with mulch and the plant never skipped a beat. It is doing great. I am definetly having another bumper crop season, my plants are weighed down with peppers. I need to get another camera so I can get some good pics.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Great to see your awesome pepper garden doing so well Dale. Everything looks so nice and healthy it won't be long you will have more pepper than you'll know what to do with. I hope you received the hot sauce from me, that should get you by until the peppers ripen. What do you plan with the harvest from all those peppers?

PRF, yes I did get your sauce and it was "AWESOME". There is not much left. I have to be honest with you though, I was'nt sure who sent it and just today wrote a letter of thanks. I will not send it out now that i know who sent it but again I do thank you. I have to put it on everything I eat I just had some on my pierogies.

These pics are about 10 days old you can barely get down the rows now

Chris, these are the Ancient Sweets that I got from the grocery store and planted the seeds from. The plants are all loaded like these two.

This is the Tidwell German that busted in half

This is the watermelon Vines and a pumkin vine all the way in the back. Along the fence is all smaller melons. There are about 20 something different varieties of melons.
Thats a pretty amazing setup there with some really good ideas. Next year I'm definitely gonna put paper down around my plants to illiminate any pesty weed pulling up close around them. It really hasnt been too bad, but once they get big, its hard to get under them sometimes.

Keep posting pics man.