• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Garden Update

Well everything seems to be doing good. Here is what's happening now.I know it has been a while so forgive me being long winded.

Tomatoes: Black Krim has set it's first fruit.They should be the first to ripen and are growing fast.I doubt they will be perfectly round because at least two are mega blooms. Black from Tula ,Vorlon,Cherokee Purple Mariana's Peace and Rose have set fruit as well and are 5 days to a week behind Black Krim. All the rest should be blooming over the next week or two.Got a late start this year (on everything) so I know I will have tomatoes past September. With more variety then I have ever had I am looking forward to different flavors which should make some interesting sauce,salsa and other goodies.

Bell Peppers:After a slow start my bell peppers are finally catching up with the rest of the garden. Did not get as many out as I wanted to but what is there (16 plants) are doing good. 8 of these represent an heirloom sent to me last year called Grandpa Stella and is an Italian Bell. Some of the largest plants are showing small flower buds that should be blooming in about a week.

Jalapeno: The only hot pepper to make it to the garden as the others are being slow growing so will be wintered over. These plants are right behind my bells on growth but by the looks of it should bloom soon too.

Cucumbers: The only Hybrid in the garden.And they seem to have just recently decided to go crazy like my AG pumpkins and Kobacha. Counted 13 cucumbers yesterday that should be ready in a week.

Sugar Baby Watermelon: What is it with my vine crops this year? They all seem to want to take over Michigan!!! counted three melons so far.

Pumpkins:AG and Howden have fruit set.Vines continue to grow like crazy. All the rest are at different stages of growth but should be ready for Halloween.

Kobacha Squash: Seems this will be my runaway producer this year with several fruit set on the vines.Looking forward to using these for baked goods. These made great pie last year.Have 11 hills of pumpkin and squash this year and three pumpkins are French Heirlooms.
