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Garlic sauce and hot sauce

Great for you to have a bounty to use!

There are tons of sauces that use garlic. Marinara, Alfredo. Chimichuri, Alabama white sauce, millions of hot sauces....

In the mean time... May I suggest roasting and or smoking the bulbs or cloves an then freezing.

I like to smoke or oven roast a few large pans of cloves, quick zip in the a food processor and then freeze in 4 to 8 ounce portions.

Also., Just run the fresh garlic through the food processor and freeze on flat zip bags. This preserves the garlicfor future use.

Hope this helps. Have fun!
I was thinking of more of a sauce that uses more garlic then anything.Last year i tried but it came out more like a salad dressing.Want to make like a creamy type of sauce.I also roast,pickle,smoke and dry garlic, and this year going to try making black garlic.
Bingo! Great call Mike. I had forgotten about RMs Theriac.