• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's new glog thing

Intros... something I'm not good at. Instead I'm only giving the quick low-down this time ('cause it's my glog and I can :D). Basically, I've started this season with a whole bunch of hybrids that I've been playing around with and will be moving on to C. chinense and some wild species very soon, followed not long after by everything else. I have no final list or anything at this point and as usual I will probably just post about different varieties as they come and grow. Due to various distractions and extreme weather last season, the dismal season that was, I didn't have much to write home about and hence why I wasn't around here much. If things end up going down the gurgler again and I crack another nana and abruptly stop posting, please accept my apologies in advance. :)
And no, I do not want to talk about last season. ;)
To kick things off, just some random going-ons:

Black C. annuum x wild species F2 -- green and black variation

Black C. annuum x wild species F2 -- green and black variation

Black C. annuum x wild species F1 -- mature berry

Yellow C. baccatum x white C. chinense F1 -- maturing berry

Yellow C. baccatum x white C. chinense F1 -- mature berries

Yellow C. baccatum x white C. chinense F1 -- flower

Spanish Naga x CGN 21500 F2 -- C. chinense

'Spanish Naga x CGN 21566 F2' and 'Spanish Naga x CGN 21500 F2'

Wild species -- I love the look of wild, straggly things in my garden :D

Unknown C. annuum (Goat's Weed?) x wild C. annuum type or C. frutescens? -- ripe berries detach from calyx with little effort
Thanks for lookin'!
Shurbryn said:
Yeah, that's a valid point. I would gladly take your winter. I'd take your summer too, but without the bugs lol
:shakes Shurbryn's hand to make it official:
:rejoices now that he has finally gotten rid of that dreadfully hot summer sun: :dance:
We shook. There's no going back......... :P
Shurbryn said:
I rejoice too, for I have fond memories of that sun while on school holidays as a kid. Hahaha
Haha it can be good. Nothing better than going for a dip under it. Come home looking like a lobster and feeling like you've just been roasted alive... but sooo worth it. Your plants might beg to differ, though.....
Dot Com said:
nice mix of plants. Healthy-looking too.
Cheers mate! Always great to see an old face drop in. :)
Ah nice shots , good to see you here again! This year may be my "year I don't speak highly of"-but it won't be from lack of effort, so I'm ok with that......
OKAY , not really......but we'll see.
Where did you find Gogi Berry seeds-thats a first for sure.
I love the randomness of garden evolution as well , and make it a point to not destroy the random survivors....which may actually save my year this time!
Have a good one-
Dave! Another old face. How are you, mate?
I pinched the goji seeds from a dried berry, would you believe? ;) hahaha. It was just one of those "you know what, I'm gonna try growing this for the hell of it" moments. Put down a bunch of seeds and what do you know, one popped. :dance:
Stay positive! It's gonna be a great season. For you. For me. For every one! :D
Shurbryn said:
The C. annuum x Wild's are looking stellar mate!
That mystery flower looks cool! Hope it produces something really nice.
Yeah, I'm quite happy with 'em, aye. Can't wait to see what they give me in the way of fruit!
Funny thing about the mystery girls is they will be F1 hybrid x F1 hybrid so whatever they do produce, it should be interesting.
Pr0digal_son said:
Goji berry looks like a lanceolatum. Sweet plant.
Ha! Now that you mention it, John.
Speaking of the old Lancies too, I just put some seeds down the other day. I swear, if the mites even so much look at the plant this time there's gonna be hell to pay. Had one going a couple years ago and the bastages destroyed it. What I said earlier about just leaving things be will not be applicable in the case they touch Lancie. :hell: