labels-artwork Gemini Crow Labels: The Last Labels

Greetings all!
Long time no chat.
Anyone who has been following me for the last 4.5 years know my OCD/Major issues and frustration with my hot sauce labels. I won't go into it any further; that's for my therapist to figure all out....LOL
Anyways, Worked with a hot sauce peer this time around who does graphic design for a living and we have worked together for the last several months on my latest and what will be the final re-design of my labels.  I love them. I have spent hours pouring over them and making tweaks. I'm at the point where I don't see any tweaks or corrections left to make, so I put it in your hands. Cosmetically I love it. Welcome any thoughts and or criticisms, good or bad. Mainly looking for any critical errors I may have missed. The labels will look the same through all the sauces with the main difference being the color scheme.
Looking to go to print before the end of the month. Won't do em all at once as I want to go through what I have left. Hope for a full re-launch by Feb/March 19 with all sauces being under this new look.
Have at it & Thanks!

Looks good! Besides what's already been suggested, you're missing a comma in the ingredients list (the part in parentheses), between Salt and Turmeric (sp. on Turmeric too ;) )

Also, LIMON should be LIMÓN, with the little accentuation mark above the "O", since it's Spanish.

Agree with Boss about the consistency of "de" and "DE." Should be the same, IMO, whichever way you decide

Bottom placard: "LEMON * GHOST PEPPER". I feel like it should be the other way around: "GHOST PEPPER * LEMON". The way it reads right now, to me anyway, is that it's a "lemon sauce" with Ghost peppers in it, vs. a "Ghost pepper sauce" with lemons in it.

Color scheme: I'm wondering if you should have one consistent color in the circle behind the guy's head (I'm thinking Blood Red) throughout the whole series of sauce flavors. Keep the color in the circle a constant w/ the Gemini Crow logo. I think it would "break it up" and "pop" a little. Blood red would look good against lots of different colors (flavors) too; blue, green, yellow, orange, etc. Would look good on T-shirts too, no matter what color the shirts were. Then just change the colors of the top and bottom horizontal lines and the ribbon under the guy's head to correspond with each new flavor

Hope that makes sense! Good luck!
MikeUSMC said:
Looks good! Besides what's already been suggested, you're missing a comma in the ingredients list (the part in parentheses), between Salt and Turmeric (sp. on Turmeric too ;) )

Also, LIMON should be LIMÓN, with the little accentuation mark above the "O", since it's Spanish.

Agree with Boss about the consistency of "de" and "DE." Should be the same, IMO, whichever way you decide

Bottom placard: "LEMON * GHOST PEPPER". I feel like it should be the other way around: "GHOST PEPPER * LEMON". The way it reads right now, to me anyway, is that it's a "lemon sauce" with Ghost peppers in it, vs. a "Ghost pepper sauce" with lemons in it.

Color scheme: I'm wondering if you should have one consistent color in the circle behind the guy's head (I'm thinking Blood Red) throughout the whole series of sauce flavors. Keep the color in the circle a constant w/ the Gemini Crow logo. I think it would "break it up" and "pop" a little. Blood red would look good against lots of different colors (flavors) too; blue, green, yellow, orange, etc. Would look good on T-shirts too, no matter what color the shirts were. Then just change the colors of the top and bottom horizontal lines and the ribbon under the guy's head to correspond with each new flavor

Hope that makes sense! Good luck!
Thanks for the input!
Each sauce will have it's own color and white background with the 'Moon' being a different color for each sauce..That will be the differentiation (is that a word?) between the sauce.
As for the bottom portion, when I am doing an event and am asked to do a quick summary of the sauces, I usually will say.... This is a blackberry habanero...this is a pineapple reaper....this is a lemon ghost pepper......just kind of rolls off the tongue easier for me...
will fix the spelling of turmeric, and get those comma's in there....
the accent over the O will be looked into as well...
thanks guys!
Very cool! Personally would not end ingredient list with period but that's preference. 
loose the + after SHAKE WELL
I would keep the period at the end of the list.  It has colon and commas.  Something at the end finishes it.  (jmho)
I'm still not digging the text/romance.  And reading the red label for the other sauce, not liking that wording either.
My daddy used to say "SOULSHINE! It's better than sunshine. It's better than moonshine.  And It's damn sure better than rain."  SOULSHINE is a hearty mild verde sauce to brighten up your eggs, chicken, seafood and rice-based meals.
The refreshing citrus flavors of lemons and limes combined with the brutal heat of Bhut Jolokia peppers delivers tropical paradise to your chicken, seafood and vegetable dishes.  Feet up and eyes closed, FANTASMA de LIMON makes your dreams of heaven real.
I like the antique-y looking crackle lines.
Maybe I missed the answer before, but is the face image legal to use?  It is from the movie The Crow?
salsalady said:
loose the + after SHAKE WELL
I don't mind little stylistic details that go against the norm... I read it is "shake well and refrigerate after opening" but I appreciate the styling, It's makes it a bit more unique.
I wasn't sure if we were supposed to comment on the red one. If so I like the fonts on the yellow better. And the quotes before the description, looks like a space after. " Just...
And if your daddy used to say it why not quote him and start the quotes at "Soulshine...
It looks weird quoting yourself with a quote of your dad that is not quoted.
If you follow that!!!! lol.
yea, I thought the other label was posted as reference for the color.  I think that works.  Didn't think it was part of this discussion, but I couldn't resist.  Text in the Limon (add the tilde thingy~~~) ...if going for a retro thing...the text "...a whole lot of.." seems out of character.
The red label was just to give an example of how each label will be different....the yellow one is the fnished product with the fonts i will be using going forth...
the new image is an original painting that i had commissioned and is all mine for use :)
the soulshine text is actually lyrics to a wifes i song is called 'soulshine' and the sauce was kind of dedicated to her. :)