pruning-topping General guide to pruning

Hmm, not really as much information on this site as I was expecting, seems a lot of people don't know anything about pruning or are skeptical of it.
I think most people have found out what works for them after years of experience and are kind of set in their ways.
The other half, like me, are relatively new to growing anything at all and wont dare risk snipping off parts of their plants.  After all we go out every morning to check our plants for anything new, most times before even going to the bathroom or any other necessary parts of everyday living.
Seems to be a touchy subject no matter where I try to look online. Trust me I have tried searching.
But from what I gather, if you want a bushier plant, then yes top off your pepper plant to make it grow more from the bottom. Pruning the leaves above the nodes seems to be a good way to get the already pushing through, but stunted areas more sunlight to boost the growing process.
And that seems to be about as general as it gets. If you are comfortable with snipping things off, go for it and you will likely have good results. The pictures  seem to show any proof that might be needed in making that decision. I dont think it is a very technical ordeal.
My opinion is that 8" to 12" would be a good time to try it because that seems to be when the plant really starts to take off. You go out one day and its about a foot high, them you go out a day or two later and it has grown three inches already. That is when I would do it.
But thats if I would do it...and then again I am new...