Hi Guys,
I'm going to try a kratky setup similar to what Khang Starr shows on his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/KhangStarr010/videos
I noticed he is using equal ratios of the General Hydroponics Flora series. I picked up the general hydroponics trio today, but I noticed that they list different ratios for different stages of development. http://1274ym4fbva545shrh1giu44.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/gh-feed-chart.pdf
What ratio's do you guys use?
Edit: I guess he is just using 1:1:1 for lettuce. I'll give the growth or aggressive growth recommended ratios a try.
I'm going to try a kratky setup similar to what Khang Starr shows on his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/KhangStarr010/videos
I noticed he is using equal ratios of the General Hydroponics Flora series. I picked up the general hydroponics trio today, but I noticed that they list different ratios for different stages of development. http://1274ym4fbva545shrh1giu44.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/gh-feed-chart.pdf
What ratio's do you guys use?
Edit: I guess he is just using 1:1:1 for lettuce. I'll give the growth or aggressive growth recommended ratios a try.