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GeorgeJ's 2014 Tokyo-a-grow-grow - Podding Up Like Crazy!

Got my first lot of seeds in last night.

7 pot yellow, burgundy, orange, red. 7 pot chaguanas, maya red habanero, jays peach ghost scorpion.

Planning to add more later.
Nice looking Gochu G! If it's like the ones I've grown in the past it'll be very prolific. I got about a kilo of pods from each plant I had in the ground. Never grew them in pots though, so I'd be curious to see how well they do there. Cheers!
Not outside yet. We are moving in two weeks. Found a place with 20m square roof garden, so keeping them as is until we move.

II'm gonna probably go with fabric bags instead of pots. Seeing as I can! Get some shade nets up too in summer.

Yeah I'm looking forward to the gochu, it's already started forking.

The rest are looking good. I've been thrashing them with the fan when I'm at work
The pots I got are huge. 40cm diameter, 44 litre capacity. Exhausting bringing soil upstairs!

Ordered some more pots. 35cm diameter, 29 litres. I know bigger is better, but it's tough getting the soil ready.

Let's hear it for first chillies of the season!


Chinese 5 colour

I'll update more when I'm done potting up.
One more Tokyo grower stopping by. Looking very good. Where did you get those awesome looking pots from?

The pots are from a shop on Rakuten called Angyo Green, or something like that.
filmost said:
The pots are from a shop on Rakuten called Angyo Green, or something like that.
Ah cool, cheers, I got me some fabric pots from a shop up in Hokkaido, cost me a ton in shipping.
Did you get the ones with the handles?

Yeah I told George about these pots. Didn't know there were other Tokyo growers. I'm in Saitama myself.

Anywho, I did a write up of other things I have found here on my glog. http://www.filmoreha.com/blog/7-must-have-gardening-products-availabe-japan
Great news on the rooftop garden G! I'm sure it's a pain to lug all the soil upstairs, but having full sun all day will hopefully make it worth it. Glad to see you're growing the Gochus, and good luck with your expanded grow!
Potting up my over winter yellow 7 pot last night I thought 'weird, this plant looks really healthy, but the roots are weak!


Killed about a dozen. Lesson learned for next year - must change the soil.
Gah, hate those things. Found TONS of them in my raised beds earlier this year. Luckily you got them before they could turn into adults and reproduce.
Blasted the roots to make sure no more. I was left with this.

As you can see, still pretty happy looking plant. Gonna be happier in its 40l pot without lodgers.
II added pesticide to the soil to kill them, just in case a few slipped past.
georgej said:
Potting up my over winter yellow 7 pot last night I thought 'weird, this plant looks really healthy, but the roots are weak!


Killed about a dozen. Lesson learned for next year - must change the soil.
Definitely un-like those! I lost most of the Thyme I direct-seeded this spring to grubs and 2 of my Tomatoes to a cutworm. Glad you found them and remedied the situation before losing the plant.
I had the same issue last fall.
 These things were huge and ate the roots big time.


Glad you caught them early!
stickman said:
Definitely un-like those! I lost most of the Thyme I direct-seeded this spring to grubs and 2 of my Tomatoes to a cutworm. Glad you found them and remedied the situation before losing the plant.
I have some granules to sprinkle for when I remix the soil for next year.