seeds Germinating Rocoto/Manzano seeds...Fail

I've never gotten one to germinate.  Tips?  I use the typical covered mini-greenhouse on a heating mat.
How much did u wait? i waited about 2 weeks, inside the house, 100% germination rate. they should be the same as any seed
I just started my gro last week and all my seeds have popped except my Pineapple Rocto' has been 12 days and today when i was getting worried because i really want those peppers....I see signs of sprouts almost popped....they are just a little stubborn and need some time.....same thing with my Yellow Thai but they to are popping today.
Roguejim said:
I've never gotten one to germinate.  Tips?  I use the typical covered mini-greenhouse on a heating mat.
Where did you get the seeds? Are they still viable? Rocoto germinate just the same as any other pepper for me. I did get a pack of Aji Largo (Pubescens) seeds last year, and I ony got one out of about 30 seeds to germinate. I gave the remaining 15 seeds or so away, and that person had 0 germination on them. I think those seeds were just really old, or not dried/stored properly. Maybe you just have some duds.
I've had luck on heatmats...but I like germinating them better just in a small planter under lights. Seems to work a little better. Try soaking them in some water with a ph of about 5.5 before also. Good luck!
   Is your heating mat protected from cold draft or breeze. You don't want the temp to swing back and fourth.
Okay.  Somehow, I got it in my head that they were difficult to germinate.  Apparently, not.  My seeds must not be viable since the others are germinating.  It's probably time to go through my entire seed stock and cull the older seeds.  What would you consider "old", i.e., needs to be thrown out?  How many years?
Did you by chance get them from a grocery store pepper?  Reason I ask is I tried to get a rocoto from the store to germ, and had about a 1% rate.  Most store bought peppers are infertile.
As far as old, I have read about 3 years.  Still not bad at this age, just no where near as good as fresher seeds.
I bought some rocoto seeds a few years back from pepperlover(Judy).  They did not germinate.  When I told this to Judy, she made a remark that these were tough to germinate, or something to that effect.  I thought she meant rocoto seeds, in general.  Maybe she just meant that particular lot of seeds...I don't know.  I've had no luck with subsequent seeds from other sources(THP members).  Anyway...
I've just planted 3 Rocoto Montufar seeds.  I'm using a "professional" seed starting mix, which is nothing more than peat moss, vermiculite, and sand.  The heat mat is located on a growing table in my basement, under a 400-watt HPS lamp where my seedlings are.  I have a reflective shield keeping the light off the mini-greenhouse so the seed starting mix doesn't dry out on top too quickly.
While I'm on the subject of seed starting mixes, the only reason I'm using one is because I happen to have some on hand.  I think they work fine, but no better than 100% peat moss, and certainly not worth the extra $$.  I proved this to my own satisfaction 1 or 2 years ago on this forum by doing a side-by-side comparison.  I got 100% germination from both growing mediums, and, neither was quicker than the other..  Neither group was "healthier" than the other.  They were identical. 
Roguejim said:
Okay.  Somehow, I got it in my head that they were difficult to germinate.  Apparently, not.  My seeds must not be viable since the others are germinating.  It's probably time to go through my entire seed stock and cull the older seeds.  What would you consider "old", i.e., needs to be thrown out?  How many years?
I wouldn't throw those seeds out. Try to at least germinate them with the paper towel method, instead of throwing them out. There might be at least 1 viable on in there. Seeds can last for years, depending on how they were handled/stored. All you need is just one of those seeds to pop, for you to have a plant that will give you hundreds of fresh viable seeds to use for years to come.
Roguejim said:
I tried the paper towel at the same time.  Nothing.  They're just seeds, and I can get more.  I hope these Montufar seeds germinate.
Wow, bummer. They must really be duds. I just had 2 Montufar seedlings pop up last week. It took them 5-6 days in the paper towel to root, then another 4 days to pop out of the soil when I transplanted from the paper towel. Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your seeds ..  i got
   Rocoto PI355812 
    Rocoto Aji Largo 
    Aji Pineapple   
    Aji Cereza
from on Febuary 8th 2016 planted into 
compost (nothing special) with perlite added,
1 seed to a cell
Propergator @ 30c
took 7 days to pop


Roguejim said:
I bought some rocoto seeds a few years back from pepperlover(Judy).  They did not germinate.  When I told this to Judy, she made a remark that these were tough to germinate, or something to that effect.  I thought she meant rocoto seeds, in general.  Maybe she just meant that particular lot of seeds...I don't know.  I've had no luck with subsequent seeds from other sources(THP members).  Anyway...
I've just planted 3 Rocoto Montufar seeds.  I'm using a "professional" seed starting mix, which is nothing more than peat moss, vermiculite, and sand.  The heat mat is located on a growing table in my basement, under a 400-watt HPS lamp where my seedlings are.  I have a reflective shield keeping the light off the mini-greenhouse so the seed starting mix doesn't dry out on top too quickly.
While I'm on the subject of seed starting mixes, the only reason I'm using one is because I happen to have some on hand.  I think they work fine, but no better than 100% peat moss, and certainly not worth the extra $$.  I proved this to my own satisfaction 1 or 2 years ago on this forum by doing a side-by-side comparison.  I got 100% germination from both growing mediums, and, neither was quicker than the other..  Neither group was "healthier" than the other.  They were identical. 
Just today, a Rocoto Montufar germinated for me......23 days....and, a HELMET HEAD!  No worries, as my surgery skills are pretty good.
This is my first season growing pubescens, I went with regular orange manzano.  I started 3 seeds on October 10, 2 of them were up in 10 days and the third never came up at all.  The two are still alive and starting to bloom now.  They seem to like the indoor conditions I've got set up in my grow tent.  It's a nice 80ºF at the bottom of my tent and they're growing in a homemade soil blend I made with some leftover potting soil, garden compost, sphagnum, guano, and mycos powder.  I started them in solo cups in a window with plastic wrap over the top secured with a rubber band.  This is probably one of my most common germination methods.