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seeds Germination

I use damp coffee filters in either a ziploc bag or plastic tub - also works every time. The filters have a tighter weave, so the roots can't bury in if you don't catch them in time. The weave on a paper towel is too loose and if the roots dig into them, it's difficult to remove them without killing them.
Ideally as soon as the root peeks out of the seed casing, move it to starter soil - try not to wait until the root gets long, as then you have to be careful to make sure the root is put in pointing down. Kind of a PITA at that point.
Two germinating questions...

1) To avoid getting varieties mixed up, what if you put seeds in empty teabags to isolate, then paper towels, then ziploc? I don't know why it wouldn't but haven't seen it done.

2) If you had pods & wanted to germinate as soon as possible, any reason to dry the seeds or could you germinate directly from pods? ...and if you could do that, would it actually be quicker to do so?

Thanks in advance.
3rd question to add to those above: 
I know seed germination doesn't require light but is light detrimental? Could I use a lamp for heat while germination? 
coachspencerxc said:
Two germinating questions...

1) To avoid getting varieties mixed up, what if you put seeds in empty teabags to isolate, then paper towels, then ziploc? I don't know why it wouldn't but haven't seen it done.

2) If you had pods & wanted to germinate as soon as possible, any reason to dry the seeds or could you germinate directly from pods? ...and if you could do that, would it actually be quicker to do so?

Thanks in advance.
I just germinate them in their starter soil cups with labeling applied at that time, never saw a need for an extra step.  You don't need to dry them out first but you will shave a day or two off germination time by soaking them in water for a day, especially if you let them sit in very mild dish detergent solution for a few minutes first, to dissolve away some of oil on them (on hotter varieties)... but I don't do that either since it's just a matter of planning a day earlier.
Light isn't detrimental.  The same CFL lights I use to start sprouts produce the heat to raise the grow chamber to ~ 85F by trapping a lot of the heated air with reflective mylar sheeting around it.  The important part to an unregulated setup like that is having a thermometer inside so you know temps stay in a good range.
I soak mine in a weak tea solution overnight then put them straight into cups with seed raising mix then into a cupboard that I keep at around 28-30C(82-86F) covered in plastic to keep humidity up.
My Reapers popped in 6 days and I have just had some Bhuts pop that I put down 5 days ago.Keeping a constant temp and humidity is key. 
Thanks a lot guys. I put out seeds of 12 varieties into a Ziploc last night. I'll do another 12 or so in the next couple of days into soil & see which works best- or if there's a difference. I pre-soaked for about 6 hours in a 1:10 peroxide solution as I read about on here. Ordered a heat pad & am using a light for heat until it comes in. Thanks again. In 20 years of gardening, I've tried growing peppers & tomatoes from seed a few times & never had any results. ...now, I can put out compost & a few days later pull out 100 tomato seedlings, but have never been able to germinate on purpose. I only was only halfway committed to it in the past & didn't use heat. Very confident this will work. Peppers & tomatoes are the only two things I've ever had a problem with growing from seeds. Sure it'll work through more patience & knowledge (gained in large part from here). Thanks again!
I used to like small coffee filters, you can put each variety in their own filter and write the name on it.
Then I put in a clear shoebox and put it outside when it was warmer :)
First wash your hands and tools
Get a paper towel and a zip lock baggie.

Spread chile seeds on the paper towel and fold it over

Put the paper towel in the baggie and wet it .....wet, not soppy

Put this on a heating pad or some place that will maintain 85F and wait.
I dont get the elaborate germination methods. Im currently growing about a dozen varietys.. germination method, potting soil in seed trays. Put 2 seeds between 1/4" and 1/2" below the surface and keep moist. Thats all

First attempt i did the whole paper towel and wait a month for tap roots to grow method. Nonsense. I get 90%+ success just sticking seeds in potting soil. Between 7-14 days any seed will sprout. Reapers, bhuts, jalapeno, ot hiem.. it doesnt matter.. seriously, days, not months. I put 2 seeds per tray area, wait for them to get a few sets of leaves, and chop off the smaller one.

If soaking seeds and keeping them moist in paper towels and baggies is your preffered method, have at it.. took forever in my experience. But do yourself a favor. Try a couple seeds in potting soil and watch how easy it really is. Keep em moist and in a week you will see a hook. Thats my experience anyway. I will never go back to paper towel method
once the seedlings have come up (in seed starter soil)  how soon should fertilizer be added- and what type of fertilizer is appropriate for the young ones?
pungentSapling said:
once the seedlings have come up (in seed starter soil)  how soon should fertilizer be added- and what type of fertilizer is appropriate for the young ones?
The Reapers and Choc bhuts in the white cups had not been fertilized,just watered.depending on your soil mix they may not need it until they are much bigger.
Swampy_NZ said:
The Reapers and Choc bhuts in the white cups had not been fertilized,just watered.depending on your soil mix they may not need it until they are much bigger.
I could be wrong, but i have been lead to believe bumpy leaves is a sign of lack of calcium. Also told that its not always as simple as adding calcium, sometimes its an inability to take in calcium.. either way, something i would keep in mind.

* Im by no means an expert and could easily be wrong