food Getting ready for Vacation

I went crazy last night cooking!! We are preparing to head to Cape San Blas, Florida for a few days. Here's some food we are taking with use for lunches and snacks while we are there.
Hot Pepper Jelly

6 cups sugar
2 cup apple cider vinegar
6 smokin hot cayennes
6 oz pectin

In a pot add sugar, vinegar, and peppers to a boil. Boil for a few minutes to make sure all the sugar is disolved. Add pectin and bring back to a boil for 1 minute. Pour into mason jars. Makes 6 half pint jars. I used the hot water canning method.

Boiled Peanuts

6 lbs of raw peanuts
Lots of salt
Lots of water

Put peanuts in the largest pot you got, add water to cover, add salt and boil till they are done.

Smoked Turkey




2 12lb turkeys
Cherry wood chips

Smoked for 11 hours.

ENJOY!! :dance:
Damm dude, you were busy! I'll take a turkey samwich with pepper jelly please.
I've never had boiled goobers before, kind of a staple from your neck of the woods. Did you spice'em up?
Damm dude, you were busy! I'll take a turkey samwich with pepper jelly please.
I've never had boiled goobers before, kind of a staple from your neck of the woods. Did you spice'em up?
These turkey sandwiches are going to be epic! Georgia is the peanut capital of the world. I was eating boiled peanuts before I could walk. I did not spice up this batch, I got some weenys in the fam, but they would be really good with some hot sauce or powder in the water (note to self: DO THAT NEXT TIME!!!)

Hey Dawg - Have a GREAT trip!!!!

...and don't forget the cream cheese for some of that gorgeous jelly!!!!! :)
Thanks CJ!! I have a few pounds of cream cheese and multiple box's of Ritz crackers. I am set!! :dance:
Damn dawg, have a fun trip to fla.
This thread made me smile with nostalgia. Looks awesome. All the best stuff!

I've never had boiled goobers before

Damn scovie I wish I knew. I love them, my kids and I absolutely fight over them, especially when the bowl gets low.

Dawg, I learned a little boiled pnut trick from a roadside stand in the holler.
Throw in a bunch of dried chilies and a jar of whole dill pickles, not the juice, quartered roughly.
Gives them a nice flavor.
Trust. Give it a shot.
Have a safe trip.

Damn dawg, have a fun trip to fla.
This thread made me smile with nostalgia. Looks awesome. All the best stuff!

Damn scovie I wish I knew. I love them, my kids and I absolutely fight over them, especially when the bowl gets low.

Dawg, I learned a little boiled pnut trick from a roadside stand in the holler.
Throw in a bunch of dried chilies and a jar of whole dill pickles, not the juice, quartered roughly.
Gives them a nice flavor.
Trust. Give it a shot.
Have a safe trip.


I have never heard of that one. I will have to give that a try on a small batch. I'm not a pickles biggest fan, but I will try anything once.
If you drive by Lake Okeechobee, I might have to take ya bass fishing for 1 of those mason jars & a turkey sandwich, looks good, thx for recipes!!
Do you think I could swap out the cays with some habs? I tried boiled peanuts last year on vaca. Yuk

Add whatever peppers you like the more the marrier, the hotter the better. I actually added more chopped peppers to the top of my cracker. I had to make the jelly with a light heat for the fam.