Ghost Pepper Addict!

Hello all! Cool, a hot pepper forum! Hey, I am growing the Naga Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) hot pepper and will have some fresh ones that have been grown organically from seed I got from and organic farmer in Oregon. These babies have never been cross pollinated nor will they ever be. I just started harvested some as they have been ripening and they are freekin' hot! If anyone interested in any of these, message me and we can take it from there!

Welcome! and do ya think you could put a couple more oly-loly-ohs inyour name?!? You know we're gonna have a hard time typng that after a couple beers~~~

Just Kidding! Welcome!

AND I'd like to send you an ..."OGGIE! OGGIE! OGGIE!"
Welcome from Fort Worth
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



Hello all! Cool, a hot pepper forum! Hey, I am growing the Naga Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) hot pepper and will have some fresh ones that have been grown organically from seed I got from and organic farmer in Oregon. These babies have never been cross pollinated nor will they ever be. I just started harvested some as they have been ripening and they are freekin' hot! If anyone interested in any of these, message me and we can take it from there!


Howdy, from Tejas by way of Ohio!
I'm recruiting newbies to join in the September throwdown - a friendly, informal cookoff between chile lovers. We're having an uber-informal newbies vs. oldies for September and we'd love to see you join in - the more the merrier! Join the pre-throwdown smack --> go to the Throwdown Discussion forum, then choose the Throwdown Sticky thread - get your game on!
