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video Ghost Pepper Challenge VIdeo - MUST WATCH

Check out this video of myself and my cousin eating a dried ghost pepper with ghost pepper sauce on top. This sauce we used is some of the hottest sauce out there. The results were bad...for me.

Still loading the vid right now....
I see that you also used THSITU as well. I had a bit of a run-in with that sauce last summer. Didnt go too well for me, either. I had to get my wife to call 911 for me. I have the video on YouTube. Worst pain in my LIFE!!!
....Just watched the vid. I feel your pain homie. I ate a 1/2 tablespoon of that shit. Did YOU get the searing pain in your stomach? The thought literally crossed my mind that if I had a knife nearby, I would have stabbed myself in the stomach to get that pain out of there.
But seriously man, dont swear off hot stuff. That is the danger of extract sauce. They all taste just about the same, and arent any good for your body. Not to mention they all taste like SHIT. But, I CAN say this...there are some people that can actually make extracts a little differently. THOSE are the people that you should buy sauces from. Personally, I swore off ALL extract sauces. And trust me, you can get sauces that are plenty hot that are all-natural.
I also noticed that this is your first post..... :welcome:
Did you go to Gatlinburg to get your sauce? You almost look like you're in one of the vacation cabins in that area. Im about 2 1/2 hours north of ya'll. So if you ever need any seeds, or need any help on pepper stuff, get a hold of me and I'll help ya out!
Yeah man your description of the "knife to the stomach" was right on. I wish I would of been video taped of the aftermath. That entire night, and the next morning my stomach was in some serious pain.
I know in the vid I claimed to swear off hot stuff, but I was just caught in the moment. I'm for sure ready to give some more serious stuff a go. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know where I can get a hold of anything. I'm up for whatever.

We were in a cabin, but not in Gatlinburg. We were in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia. I got that hot sauce in Myrtle Beach.

Please feel free to give any suggestions on hot stuff, I'm always curious. I'm currently looking into growing my own Ghost Chilis come spring.
I live in Franklin, NC. Up in the BRM's. There are a LOT of homes that look like that around this area. lol
I feel ya man, that pain sucks ASS! So I can sympathize with ya!
As far as good sauces go....MANY people on this site will tell you...there arent very many GOOD sauces made from extract. They are just few-and-far-between. Some REALLY good sources for natural sauces are Justaguy here on THP. He makes a pretty good range of stuff, and prices are VERY reasonable. Salsalady makes some stuff that Ive been told is pretty damn good. There are a few others, so I will let others chime in on those! As far as OUT of the states, Neil from TheHippySeedCompany makes some DAMN good sauces. He makes Skobiyan (my personal FAVIE!!), Yellow 7 Turkey Slap, which he makes with ONLY Yellow 7 Pods and Wild Turkey, Afterburner, and a bbq sauce name NagaSav. Then you have Scorpion who makes Hot Chocolate, Rectal Tears, etc. Another member on here, AlphaNerdz, makes a good sauce from what I hear.
Those are just a few examples. TONS of good stuff out there that wont mess ya up.

And FYI, I dont know if you already have seeds, but be careful where you buy seeds from!! There are plenty of great sellers that sell great seeds. There is actually a thread on it somewhere. (Sorry, dont feel like looking up the link and posting it in here. Its past my bed time!) Just dont buy from places like Ebay and Kaiser Seeds!!
agree on nicely done video...bravo...

the only extract I have had that I can tolerate in small doses is DefCon Zero...

other extracts use keytones in the extraction process and impart a metallic taste to me...plus they make my stomach cramp...what you felt when you said knife in the stomach...

trust me Zero is in another class itself...
Hi Glaze, and Welcome from Atlanta, What part of the city are you in? I could also help with seeds if you need any! I really liked the split shot vid!
I'm up in Tucker, near St Mtn,, NE OTP, Are yall still iced in down there? We cant even leave the driveway!
I wonder if some hot pepper powder will melt this stuff :)
We have some pretty serious ice going on, but it slowly going away. I was off work both Monday and Tuesday due to it, but the schools around here have been closed all week.

You have any hot sauce recommendations?

I'm looking to dabble more into it. I haven't adventured out too far. I still have A LOT to learn about peppers and different types of sauces in general. But I'm really really interested in learning.
As sauces go,,Let Hot Pooper and others help you. +1 on AJ's recommendation of Defcon, it is the only sauce I have purchased in years, and only cause I like the Creator and it was in front of me at a sauce shop. Like others here, I think my own sauce is the best, and I make enough to never have to buy any.
This is a great place to learn though, and a ton of cool people reside here!
Yeah I'm ready to be part of the community :D.

I've contacted both Neil and Justaguy about purchasing some sauces. Whatever I end up getting I'll make sure to do a review vid. Hopefully I can learn to control myself a bit more, unlike in the video I posted lol.
I liked the split vid shots as well.

Good to hear that you're still gonna continue to eat the hot stuff too.

And you've come to the right place to learn about that.

gotta ask glaze...what college team...gotta be SEC of course...

and I hope it's not Georgia...else you are gonna catch some sh** from wayright come football season...and I may even rib you a little....WAR EAGLE!

(hope you know this is all in fun)
Haha! - to be quite honest while I enjoy watching College Football...I don't really cheer on one specific team. (that makes me sound like I'm not a football fan, but trust me I am just not college).

I'm a big NFL fan. All about them Falcons. Through the goods and bads. I'm so stoked about this Saturday night!
cool man...Atlanta is my second favorite team...love me some Falcon football...