labels GhostFire label needs help


eXtreme Business
I'm re-working a couple labels and one of them is the Ghost Fire Hot Sauce label.  I could use some help with the romance wording.
Current wording is-
"Our Ghost Fire hot Sauce is made with Bhut Jolokia peppers (also called Ghost Peppers) from India, Red Savina Habanero and Chipotle peppers, but don't be afraid.  This is the tastiest hot sauce to ever sneak up on you. 
New wording is-
"Our Ghost Fire Hot Sauce is made with chipotle, red habanero and bhut jolokia peppers (also called ghost peppers), but don't be afraid.  This is the tastiest hot sauce to ever sneak up on you."
The Ghost Fire label is in here- Original files got corrupted a while ago so I can't post a Ghost Fire Label here.  Hoping some folks can offer suggestions for the romance wording.  This needs to go to the printer right away, like... tomorrow....
Any suggestions would be appreciated. or if it's perfect the way it is...(yea, that's probably NOT the case  ...:lol:  ) 
Thanks, amigos!
PepperDaddy said:
Maybe replace "scary hot" with "scary good".  You're right, Ghost Fire has good heat but is not a burner.
Perfect I love that I would definitely be drawn to that. Sometimes just a laugh will make me purchase! I relate to the products owner through their sense of humor.
Made with are frighteningly hot Peppers .
Watcha think?
PepperDaddy said:
Made with scary good chipotle and ghost peppers, our Ghost Fire Hot Sauce is just the apparition your food needs to go from average to other-worldly!  This is the tastiest hot sauce to ever sneak up on you.  Boo!
changed the above a little~ 
This is sounding the best, but is there another word than apparition?  My first thought of "apparition" is the appearance of something that is not real, or not of this world.  Such as you can't touch a ghost...  don't want the sauce to be thought of as fake or not real.  Anyone else get that train of thought?
I'll probably go with Ghost Pepper in the description and Bhut Jolokia in the ingredients.  Most customers nowadays are familiar with ghost peppers, even Mrs. Renfro has a ghost pepper salsa.  If anyone doesn't know what it is, with the prevalence of smart phones, they can look it up right there. 
Thanks for everyone's comments.
salsalady said:
changed the above a little~ 
This is sounding the best, but is there another word than apparition?  My first thought of "apparition" is the appearance of something that is not real, or not of this world.  Such as you can't touch a ghost...  don't want the sauce to be thought of as fake or not real.  Anyone else get that train of thought?
I'll probably go with Ghost Pepper in the description and Bhut Jolokia in the ingredients.  Most customers nowadays are familiar with ghost peppers, even Mrs. Renfro has a ghost pepper salsa.  If anyone doesn't know what it is, with the prevalence of smart phones, they can look it up right there. 
Thanks for everyone's comments.
Apparition seems the best if you are going to use it, however like Buddy said, some may not know the word.  You could just drop it off and say "our Ghost Fire Hot Sauce will elevate (or transport; or take) your food from average to other-worldly!"
That's trying too hard imo. KISS.
I'm glad you are staying away from puns. I HATE most puns, The worst offenders, datil sauces: Datil Dew. Datil Dew It. Datil Be Hot. Datil Kill Ya.
How about a cool freakin' name w/o the datil pun!!!!
grantmichaels said:
He got you, Boss!  :rofl:
Aight, time to look at things and KISS it!
Final Copy-
"Eat It, Enjoy It.....and kwitcherbitchin!"
You know how long I have been eating this stuff, right SL? On average, 6 bottles a year maybe?
I have never known any of that was written anywhere on the bottle.
true story. LOL
The Hot Pepper said:
That's trying too hard imo. KISS.
I'm glad you are staying away from puns. I HATE most puns, The worst offenders, datil sauces: Datil Dew. Datil Dew It. Datil Be Hot. Datil Kill Ya.
How about a cool freakin' name w/o the datil pun!!!!
Take it to the "grinds my gears" topic, pal.

I actually went on a rant in there about coffee shop pun names - same thing.
:rolleyes:  This is heading south in a hurry!  And I'm the Queen of Punny!  Just ask my family, they'll tell you I think I'm the best punner ever.  :lol:
Scoville DeVille said:
You know how long I have been eating this stuff, right SL? On average, 6 bottles a year maybe?
I have never known any of that was written anywhere on the bottle.
true story. LOL
yea, but you got addicted when the bottles had b&w ink-jet labels....prolly didn't bother to look at the label when they got all color and glossy...
Here's where it's at-
Elevate your food from average to other-worldy with our scary good Ghost Fire Hot Sauce.  Made with chipotle, habanero and ghost peppers, this is the tastiest sauce to ever sneak up on you.  Enjoy the addiction!
Ingredients- water, spices, cider vinegar; chipotle, habanero and bhut jolokia peppers; xanthan, liquid smoke. 
No MSG or preservatives.  Naturally Terrific!
But after Scovie's comments, I should just save the space and make a smaller label.  :lol:  Actually, not really...I'll keep the comments on there~
Side note- if any grammar pro's are reading this, did I get the semi-colon right to delineate the peppers? 