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misc "glueing" a lady bugs wings??

I was doing research to see if lady bugs will eat aphids in total darkness and came across this on a website:

"If desired, you can keep ladybug adults from flying by "gluing" their wings shut, temporarily, with a sugar-water solution. Half water and half sugared pop (Coke, Pepsi, etc.), in a spray bottle, works fine. Spray it right in the bag the ladybugs come in, as soon as you open it. You'll easily coat most of them. After a week or so, the "glue" wears off."

Has anybody out there tried this? Honestly if it works seems like a great idea.
I remember some members talking about this years ago, from what i can recall it was used by a couple of them with success.
yes i do half coke and half water. it doesnt last a week, maybe super glue would. still it does work. release them at night after spaying them and most will stick around as long as they have food
I would have thought spraying coke or pepsi on any living thing is cruelty. Seriously I'm surprised all the crazy acids and chemicals don't harm the bugs.
I have been very lucky thus far, always had enough native lady bugs to keep everything in check. I have read of this mixture many times on this forum.
I was doing research to see if lady bugs will eat aphids in total darkness
I am not sure if they will feed in the dark, but I am pretty sure they will. I do know they don't fly at night, so if kept in complete darkness I would assume they will crawl around and eat, if they don't normally eat in the dark I would think hunger would drive them to.
I just clip one wing off with nailclippers so they can only fly in circles. And I spray em with a lil nail polish remover to remove the spots. It works great
I just clip one wing off with nailclippers so they can only fly in circles. And I spray em with a lil nail polish remover to remove the spots. It works great

Funny. You have to be careful with what you suggest around her Vegas, some folks believe everything they read on the WWW.

If it's known they don't fly at night then just release them then, why waste a good Pepsi?

sometimes i am shocked at what i read here only to read further down the poster was pulling our leg. for those of you that know the jokers then it's no surprise but to me, i have been blown away by some comments in some threads.

i now realize when it sounds like bs it is. :rofl:
IMO, I think I would pass on the "Sugar Water" - sounds like ,more of an attractant for other nuisance pests such as: ants, mites, and fly’s.


-I do like the nail clipper idea. Only if you could clip the left wing of some and the right wing of others, then it would appear they are flying in a figure 8. Now that would be cool. :woohoo:

sometimes i am shocked at what i read here only to read further down the poster was pulling our leg. for those of you that know the jokers then it's no surprise but to me, i have been blown away by some comments in some threads.

i now realize when it sounds like bs it is. :rofl:

Tom buddy you need to develop a better sense of humor. Can you seriously see someone snipping one wing off of a ladybug and removing their spots with nail polish remover? I might have done stuff like that as a kid but most of us around here are adults. Another joke, hope you got it.

Lazyfatman you don't need to do anything to the lady bugs to keep them around. If they have prey/food available then they'll stay. If there is no prey, ie., aphids then you don't need them to stay. You keep them unable to fly for a few days with nothing to eat they're going to die and then the only thing they're good for is seasoning muskrat meatloaf. That's another joke. :lol:
Tom buddy you need to develop a better sense of humor. Can you seriously see someone snipping one wing off of a ladybug and removing their spots with nail polish remover? I might have done stuff like that as a kid but most of us around here are adults. Another joke, hope you got it.

Lazyfatman you don't need to do anything to the lady bugs to keep them around. If they have prey/food available then they'll stay. If there is no prey, ie., aphids then you don't need them to stay. You keep them unable to fly for a few days with nothing to eat they're going to die and then the only thing they're good for is seasoning muskrat meatloaf. That's another joke. :lol:
ladybugs get full, they have a cycle in which they follow. i have been bringing them inside for about a week, for those of you who do not know, i live in a very cold place. our lady bugs are looking for a place to bed down for the winter. i have been bringing the bugs inside when i find them but today i saw a couple of bugs walking on my window, even though there are aphids on my plants, it is like they are now in a different state of mind.
good comments guys. I think I am going to give it a try. Read the nail clippers comment and didnt think it was a joke actually. Red thru pretty quick though thanks Patrick I was about to flame! All my lady bugs must be full I released about 14 yesterday and they all ate and are hanging out on the roof and corners of my grow tent. Perhaps I will let a few more go tonight. I also learned it gets to hot in there without the proper fan.
Just use Lady Bug larvae, they really dont go anywhere, and boy do they eatup the aphids. Leave some rasins out so they tend to hang around after they clear up the pests.