beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

And just for you Grant deglazing the pan a la flambé


Yes am of the fond was saved
2 gal MT so I can work undisturbed through 90 min mash tomorrow ...

30m prep/strike
90m work
15m sparge and MO and RTB
15m manned boil
45-75m work during boil
5m whirlpool
30-45m work during wort chill
5m bottle in primary

Wow this is a great thread. I'm really close to jumping in this hobby as well. I like to research heavily before I jump in though. That Chocolate Maple beer sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see what's next! Carry on!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Grant you are a beast and in beast mode hahahahah
RM - have to check that out on real monitor this afternoon so I can zoom and read it ...

I have a ? for ya'll, though ...

I have most of an sfrb of super's that have been in the fridge a week ...

I checked last night, and they look fine still, so i want to ferment them ....

What is the most basic brine I should consider? ...

Lacto ferment vs boiled vinegar? ...

I have a box of that Caldwell Starter, I think it's called? ...

We're rearranging space to accommodate brewing today, but I'd like to ferment those tonight (or setup for, anyways) ....

Thanks for any input!
OK, I'm going to sneek in some bottling, I think, now ... no Beer Gun (no kegs yet, and even so, don't have batches that fit in 5 gal kegs yet anyways) ...
Also, I think I might pick up one of these:
Look like a good form and similar function for putting a pulley on, for hoisting BIAB ...
I've cleared space for chest freezer or two in the house, so that's good shit too ...
Busy day so far ...
I think I'll bottle the 1st two batches using a bottling wand on the end of the autosiphon, and just use some priming tabs ...
Skip the bucket, skip 2nd, just make 4x 32 oz swing tops of each gallon, and call it a day ...
RocketMan said:
Go with the lacto ferment unless you love the taste of vinegar. Boiled vinegar equals Pickled
OK, beer bottling 1st, and then pepper ferment if still in the mood today (otherwise tomorrow, though) ...
Sanity check, if anyone's around ...


My swing-top's are new, so I'm going to just spritz the tree tines w/ sanitizer, and then run the bottled over the sulfiter and put them on the tree, and then spray the cap and airlock and neck of the fermenter jug, and remove them ...

Then I need to take an FG, I guess ... I have one of those fermentech or whatever that brand is thief's, the one w/ the bottling wand tip ... but it might be sized for larger carboy's, we'll see ...

I need to google how many priming tabs to use for a medium carb in a 32 oz beer, still.

Anyways, after taking FG one way or another, I'm going to pop autosiphon into jug, discharge the sanitizer from the line into a waste bucket (need to place one in workspace, along w/ thief/wand thing yet), and then spray the caps/rubbers/lips w/ sanitizer, and close 'em up ...

Then I'm just going to sit these in a dark cupboard/closet for a few weeks, I think ... 72-74F in house ...

I figured I'd sanitize a couple of twelve oz bottles and caps in case it turns out that I should really do three 32 oz's and 1-2 additional twelver's ...

Anything else I'm missing? ... am I thinking of it wrong? ...
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Going w/ 11x priming tablets per 32oz bottle ...


PITA in 1 gal batch - but took the FG for science ...


Was able to make 3x, really ... wasted a 12 oz that was possible, but fuck it.



Will give 'em at least two weeks up in the dark closet ...

The priming tablets said 3-5x per 12 oz, for light/medium/heavy carb ...

I went w/ 11x per ... one less than the middle of the road, because 32oz is a bit less than 36oz, and it's a stout ...

I think I'll use 12-13x in the grapefruit honey ale in a few days ...

Already ready for keg life.
This one will be ~3% ABV from the looks of things ...

It smelled like one might expect, hopefully that's a good sign ...
Danger Will Robinson!!! FG is super important for bottling, not just science.
I try my darndest never to bottle anything above 1.020.  That is still sitting at 1.026.  While it may have stalled, there is a good chance it could recommence fermentation again in the bottle.  
Keep a close eye on a bottle or two, you may need to gas them regularly if they do or you will have some dangerous bottle bombs going off and spreading glass and beer all over the shop.  Or you could drink mildly carbonated beer super quick if they do take off in a rush…  :P
Stick them in the fridge as soon as they have some carbonation and wait a little longer, they will still condition well.  Or DRINK and put it down to experience and buy those damn kegs already!! 

Oh, and nice bottles btw! 
Ok, so in my dreams last night the fix for CFC cooling of wort for Florida boys came to me and its so simple.


Yes a 275 gph submersible pump, this one is adjustable too and at $29.00 is a smart choice. So when we build our CFC, like this,

Instead of a hose attachment we put a 1/2 or 3/4 inch tubing barb on there and attach the other end to the pump. Have the pump in the bottom of a big a$$ bucket, I'll probably use the new trash can I'm getting to hold my C-kegs for the party, full of cold water with a couple or 3 frozen 2 ltr bottles and one or 2 5 gallon buckets full of cold water to add more cold water as needed. I figure the trash can full will probably be enough and even if it's not just using water at ground temp might be good especially is the CFC is taking the temp way down.





can taste the sweetness, drain-poured ...

that was the batch that went into the styro cooler before the Cool Brewer bag had arrived ... i'd pitched at 58F and it went down to 56.5F over the first night ...

woke the fuck up in the bottles in the closet, though ... those tabs were gone and the tops were hard to pry off (used butter knife) ...

thanks, Bumper ... much appreciated!!!
Ok, so in my dreams last night the fix for CFC cooling of wort for Florida boys came to me and its so simple.


Yes a 275 gph submersible pump, this one is adjustable too and at $29.00 is a smart choice. So when we build our CFC, like this,

Instead of a hose attachment we put a 1/2 or 3/4 inch tubing barb on there and attach the other end to the pump. Have the pump in the bottom of a big a$$ bucket, I'll probably use the new trash can I'm getting to hold my C-kegs for the party, full of cold water with a couple or 3 frozen 2 ltr bottles and one or 2 5 gallon buckets full of cold water to add more cold water as needed. I figure the trash can full will probably be enough and even if it's not just using water at ground temp might be good especially is the CFC is taking the temp way down.

HTH rocks a pond pump to recirc his immersion chillers water w/ a bucket of ice water, if i noted it correctly in his video ...

I've found a source for monster plate chillers, at better prices:

The pump you have there, is the pump I use in the bottom of my AACT bucket, actually - it moves some water, for sure ...

Phwew, glad to wipe up a little beer and not have those bottles have exploded in the closet ... for Danielle.

I *know* the grapefruit honey ale started fermenting right away, so I'll bottle *it* today, in a bit ...

There it is…the money shot!!

The money shot was def a 10-13" tall beer-geyser, but I was too enamored by the sound of bottles poppin' ...

I consider putting my thumb over the top and spraying Danielle like I'd won the Indy500, but it's probably best that I didn't ...