beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

*** I dumped a packet of Red Star Champagne yeast in w/ the 05 starter - because I'm lazy and over this batch! ***
Ok, noted ...
I found the other side of the boundary that I've been ruminating upon for months ... a little bit more realistic/dialed back recipe and I'd be in there ...
I did 6x things to make it thick, and more realistically needed to have done 1-2x is all ...
I try to just take it in stride and keep learning ... this one doesn't even bother me ...
It's the barleywine batch that's annoying me, in truth ... that thing went SWEET ... it turns my stomach after a couple of ounces, now ...
I'll dump 'em both and have more keg-location slots in cold-storage to brew into in a NY minute ...
*** I dumped a packet of Red Star Champagne yeast in w/ the 05 starter - because I'm lazy and over this batch! ***
Later I'll pour it in, it'll ferment for a while on the starter's wort, and then when it's over - it's over. I'm going to transfer it off the 50g grams of yeast before I make cheese or bacon or cardbaord or whatever flavors, and crash it down - possible freeze it - and transfer the liquid to a 3 gallon keg and carb it up and call it a day ...
for later ...


Photo catch-up ...


JayT's beer looks like espresso crema on top ...


the head is like meringue, lol ...


it's truly a spicy milkshake at this point ...

but I mean, I could kind of say that about my fav two beers too, so we'll see!

Yesterday I started some more 05 before realizing the gram-weight of the packets ...


There's no nutrient in the starter, I just had it out to put a few faerie sprinkles in the keg ...

Today I opened it up and pitched in a packet of Red Star Champagne yeast and gave it 3-4 hours to wake-up ...


That beer was pretty good ...


The beer from the only local brewery I've had is pretty good, so far ... I've liked 4/5 of the beers I've had ... a good ratio, I think, certainly ...

This Allie's Donuts double choc porter is good shit ...



Hmmm ... think that's about it ...

Oh ...


Pitched ... now w/ like 50g yeast! ;)


I'll have enzymes later this week, but I won't use them in this beer because it's completely orthogonal to the whole point of the batch, which was to make a "chewy" one ...


wheebz said:
Won't work. The beer is what it is. You could use convertase. Will definitely finish lower, but it will go really low. I'd honestly try a champagne strain.
I couldn't find the convertase as a product without knowing a brand to add to the Google search ...
Earlier this week I ordered some AMG 300L which is a brewing-specific beano of sorts, and that'll be this beer's last hoorah later this week, once it's come ...
It's glucoamylase that's from Apergillus niger ... literally exo-1,4-alpha-D-glucosidase, I guess ... or it can be alternately written 1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase too, I guess ...
There's some interesting stuff out there in patent filings from big breweries ...
Apparently you can extract beta-amylase from barley by steeping with SO2 to free it, and sulfuric molasses to sponge it up ... that would be the innovative way I would try, if I were going to give it a go - which I am not going to ...
I guess the SO2 is common in dried fruits, like apricots and raisins etc, so making up a little batch of molasses water with raisins and barley steeping for a day or two would be the experiment - in case anyone ever gets stuck ferm and is more desperate than I am ...
While the beta amylase would prefer if the beer/wort were 130-140F range to work quickly, it does work slowly over a range of temperatures less than that range, which would work over time in a fermenter ...
I don't think it's worth taking cold-storage space and going that deep into this batch of beer, but it's interesting nonetheless ...
wheebz said:
or you can just send it to me and ill give it to jay since he lives 15 minutes from me
Sounds like 2% is the fulcrum point for unfermentable sugars for body etc ...
I have to figure out how to calc and tally degrees Lintner going forward so I can better verify any recipes that I might try, if I want to avoid this result, basically - right?
Ozzy2001 said:
Hell yeah!

Grant how many dollars of yeast are in that brew now lol?
Probably $12.46 if I had to guess - I figure like 4x @ $2.99, and 1x @ like $.50 or something (champage yeast) ...
They might be $3.99 ea too, I don't know ...
This batch is getting a lot of love and affection from daddy, I'll tell ya ...
I maintain my position that Bhut Subduction at Pitch Lake gets there ...
But yeah, a stand-out problem child ...
Slayed work this week and got myself ahead of schedule to be able to brew Wheebz stout recipe, finally ...

In preparation, I'm drinking my last Founders Imperial ... my 3rd fav stout on earth!


I look forward to checking in on JayT's stout tomorrow, it seems to be fermenting some ... of course, it's now thinned out a bit, and up to 3.5 gallons from the volumetric increase from multiple krausening additions ...
I decided to check on things, tonight ...


Nitrogenated the hydrometer jar serving just for kicks ...


It's been slowly fermenting a little bit since the last krausening, but you know what ... the 3/1000 of a point (SG) improvement is likely 'just' the thinning of the beer for having had 1600 mL in starter liquid (Fast Pitch is probably 1.030-1.040, I imagine) added to 3 gallons of 1.111 OG wort/beer ...

I believe short of leveraging enzymes, we're looking at the spicy-milkshake of a beer that's all that's coming without chopping up some dextrine's ...

Maybe I'll add some AMG-300L tomorrow evening, once it's delivered ...

We'll have to see ...

It's got a pretty cool rate of pepper heat, but the sample taste really lacked bite for not having appreciable CO2 in solution, despite the nitrogenation helping to make it more drinkable ...

It doesn't hurt my belly like the barleywine does, now - so there's that! ;)
Woke up and just felt it ... cleaning and organizing everything in the brewery today, well, except the inside's of the freezer's ...
I've got the Keg Washer setup in the shower stall running loads of PBW through kegs for final cleaning ...
I have parts and additives and crap all mixed up between a bunch of trays, and in like 5x places ... and I'm completely over that shit.
Fit of cleaning's been engaged.
Before pics:




What a fuckin' mess!!!

Pruning the after pics, now ...
After re-organizing:






Ahhhhh ... so. much. better.
Here ... these catch up the thread ...

Enzymes ...



I like to be able to connect shit ...


Some yeasties ...





And a big pimpin' hard, black muddler ...


If these Thrumometers would help anyone out, let me know ...

I rediscovered them while cleaning and they won't take boiling water, so I didn't use them in my rig, ultimately ...



I'm all set for the coming experiments, now!

grantmichaels said:
Slayed work this week and got myself ahead of schedule to be able to brew Wheebz stout recipe, finally ...

In preparation, I'm drinking my last Founders Imperial ... my 3rd fav stout on earth!


I look forward to checking in on JayT's stout tomorrow, it seems to be fermenting some ... of course, it's now thinned out a bit, and up to 3.5 gallons from the volumetric increase from multiple krausening additions ...
That was the first Imp stout I ever had. Still love it and every one after that has been judged from it.


1.038 ...

deceased by ~4/1000 in 24 hrs ...




Depending which equation, it's at 9.5-11% ABV, target by recipe was 12.5% ...

~65% attenuation, now ...

Chilling a small amount in the keezer to force carb for later ;)



Update: moved it to freezer-freezer ... DUH! ;)