Gnarly/Wicked Pod Page

KrakenPeppers said:
Here's one of my crazier pods.. Unfortunately as unique as some of mine are their rarely gnarly.. :cry:

TKP Special Cross - Oni Pepper Rear view

TKP Special Cross - Oni Pepper Side View
From this angle you may see were the ' Oni ' name originated , it looks to me like an ' Oni Mask ' or ' Demon Mask Pepper '..
That sucker is down right mean! Nice one ya got there!
Here's another Wicked Gnarly pod.... The sister of the 'Oni' pepper...

TKP Hells Rose Pepper

TKP Hells Rose Pepper
Here's just a prickly Carolina Reaper that felt like a spiky lizard.

TKP Carolina Reaper - Super Thorny
Here's a standard but awesome Yaki Blue

Yaki Blue

7-Pot "Primo" with an extra funky upturned tail.
millworkman said:
Choc Bhut

White streaks on Bhut
Don't know where you got your seed stock from but I want in... That's no standard Choc Bhut strain I Have ever seen before.... Nor the Red Bhuts either.... Really Nice Pods !!!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Most of mine look like this...


Hoping the 2015 ones are the far my reds and chocolates look like I want for last 3 years...yellow were a tad off last year. 
Really clean pods , love that arrow point too, my chocolates have the more rounded end with more ridges