• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR 2013,14, and 1 to grow on 2015!,..Just some pics of another on the go "grow"

The grow begins....pictureless. Because everyone should be able to "minds eye" a picture of dirt. Dirt on the road.....
in the back of an FJ for afew days -parking managed by sun light availability.3 days later 1 65 watt halogen to keep em warm.
On the tenth day(10 days after germ beganso closer to 2 weeks), I head back to the ranch-metaphorically thinking...or typing-whatever;)!

Over watered, because got over dry, sink or swim kids.....if you make it, you will rule!
At this point , they're being fed with 2 strip flourescents and a 90 watt grolight.
One cat thought , awesome, it is warm, the humans fuss over this spot, so I will sleep here.I gently extricate cat, for it knows not what it does. I assume waking up in the air will get my point across, as far as "must not sleep there".Seems to work.Uno , my ever watchful Jack Russell Valkyrie Familiar, drives the exclamation point home by chasing "Lira"up the nearest tree.Not much damage due skillful cat handling ;).

3 weeks....getting a watering schedule dialed, most sprouts have returned to their precat status, and yes some got helped back "up".2 or 3 were brutally uprooted in frustration, which I played off as "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!".No time for the sissy stuff this year.The missing plants have been split and put into 12 Oz'rs.
4 days after this, all potential plantlets were transplanted into 16/20oz cups. Yes I know"Its way to early said the choir"!!!!
Tough shit, hit the dirt, time to drive back to Houston.So I packed up the truck "and they moved to Beverly....", well Houston.
The next pic you will see one tupperware tray, the little kids get to stay home with the evil princess;).

I talk all this smack , and then notice when I get to Houston that the vibration has toppled half of the plants(narrow bases of the 16 oz cups walking around....ahhh F*ck,"We have casualties on the ground, I need air YESTERDAY! I say again...".Shit , Its 23:30.
In 30 minutes, they have been recupped and dual large bore IV'd.To prevent further damage, I seak out plastic cups at the nearest late night Indian owned gasvenience station.....What about beer you ask?....HeHeHe-I left home fully loaded, on ice, I hate driving around late at night looking for beer. I don't really like doing it for cups either, but you what you gotta do, or won't have a grow.The cups were(and did) to provide buffers for the tippers, and were placed inverted in various places to prevent VIT during additional transit required.Photo bucket crapped out so this is it for episode one.
Have a good one-

Addition relevant comments:
I believe new grow seeds for this round are all Chinense, and in order of appearance:
First up 1. Peach Bullets -R Alber; 2;Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues -3 days.
Second up 3. Carolina Reapers-Pepper Joe/Ed Currie; 4. Bhut Jolokia X 7 Pot Douglah-Matt G; 5. 7 Pot Browns-OBN; 8. Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon-R Alber;-5 days
Third up 9. Jay's Peach Bhut -OBN; 10. Brain Strain Orange-OBN; 11.White Fatalli-R Alber; 12. TS Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Yellow-??, 13. Bhut Jolokia x Chocolate Hab-Matt G-7 days

Failure to lauch :The Pumpkin (not a Butch T)....Bummer, and 2 others......?????
At the end of the next 9 day stretch ,all were tx'd to 20 oz cups, and nice rootage;)
The beasts of the bunch-Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues, and Then The Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragons, all of which had 6-8 leaves on departing for Ghana.
You are gone for like 6 years 3 days and a couple hours and you post this for us to :drool: over? 
I wanted to pick out one or 2 of those to comment on, but it is impossible....they all are freaking torturous!  The douglah looks awesome! The brains are freakin perfect, the MS is like look at me, im beautiful and will make you cry like a 3 year old girl, those nagas are pretty much the most impressive nagas I have ever seen, the peach bhuts look delish, and those crosses (both the douglah x TS and Bhut x TS CARDI) look like they are ready to kick someone in the nuts.
I guess your absence is forgiven.
MGOLD86 said:
 those crosses (both the douglah x TS and Bhut x TS CARDI) look like they are ready to kick someone in the nuts.
That's funny... I was thinking the same thing! Great job Dave, you definitely got the skillz!
David, I messaged you on Facebook.  Can you check it when you get time?  I can't message you through THP as your mailbox is full. :)  Hope you're doing well.  Take care.
c            r         e         e          p ,                   c            r                  e                e                p           ,                       s                     h                  h                     h                 h.
I hear an update forming......out there somewhere  :shh: .........
gnslngr said:
c            r         e         e          p ,                   c            r                  e                e                p           ,                       s                     h                  h                     h                 h.
I hear an update forming......out there somewhere  :shh: .........
Waiting for it, come on :D
Yea man, this one better include more dead fish professionally prepared for human consumption.
Oh, and I gotta tell ya....I brought your sauce with me on this last deployment and i had this Major from the Air Force who deployed as an augment to our work section.  It was super awkward because he was a Major, and the actual section OIC was only a Captain. Top that off with the fact that he worked in "acquisitions" and we were an intelligence section....talk about lost in the sauce.  So anyways, he was really into hot stuff and just about downed the entire bottle of 7 by himself.  He still emails me (almost a year later) asking when I am gonna send him the recipe....I tell him it aint my sauce, and even if I was able to get the recipe, I am SURE he doesn't have access to the pods needed.  He still emails....
Now lets see some friggen peppers!
Go Time!
All green things must come to a fiery end, here are some AUGTEMBER shots....
.....and some keep turning their whole lives,,,,,

Guardian Velociraptiny....the broken egg was under the plant.Released on plant after his photo shoot,
Okay, now for the porn.

Bhut Jolokia Red x Cleo's Dragon starting to ignite

Brothers in Arms;Douglah x Bhut Jolokia,,,,,,the answer is yes!VERY!,,Next to a Bhut Jolokia x Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow awaiting its turn,,,

Bhut Jolokia Chocolate x Yellow 7 Pot, red phenotype,,,turning

An Unknown Soldier

Bright White Fatalii....mmmmm

Bhut Jolokia Red x Cleo's Dragon "becoming"

Douglah x Bhut's,,,,,no comment necessary!
Time to reload!
Now what did I do with my extra mags,,,,,
oh.wait! There is no such thing!
Stby for more incoming! This down load may take a while...I'm thinking about 3 fingers Gent. Jack's worth of time :dance: :dance: :dance:
Okay, gotta try this later-auto save isn't saving and 2 poofs in a row of long winded replies...Auto saved content (Today 12:06)Last autosaved :12:41. ...great,except all it saved was my last comments from 12:06-which were pointed at the previous poof.QUICK 10 COUNT TO PREVENT SELF IMMOLATION.
1,2,3,10.Close one.I'll recap after the next  update-thanks for the reference Stickman-I needed a good accurate reference for that feeling!!
When the going gets tough , the tough roll their eyes :rolleyes: and go grab a rack of ribs,todays lunch pod is a gnarly Peach Bhut :P  and pound about 4 icy Shiners for lunch.
Time to get outta the office, yes-for the rest of the day!!But first things first.......raw fish for Matt, and some more incoming.....
Hey all-
Time to see if this 'll work, I didn't reduce the sizes of some...but I'm gonna see what flies.
Here you go Matt.......thats fairly raw, mildly aromatic ...and their eyes still glow!

MMMM,raw Bonita.....very, ....uhm, aromatic :rolleyes:

Live crab cakes, tied in handy bundles :P

A River runs through it....Infinities on the rack

A Douglah(Spikey one on the end) with some Brown 7's

Not Whiskey in the Jar, with some Choc Bhut x Yellow 7's

"We Three..."...Red Phenotype CBY7's, getting their red on.
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion Morugas, working on their warfaces, they are all tailed but I had a tough time getting em to show :mope:

CBY7 Caramel phenotype trying to hide the goodies.Not quite as hot as the red phenotype, but not to be taken lightly.

Roasting ....coals are down, very little smoke-just a bit of wet pecan and mesquite, makes for very "nice" powder. I do this next to the planted rows....and whisper to the plants"put out, or burn :hell: "...LOL, they always find ways to pay me back for that though :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: !
Okay...here goes "SEND IT"!
That's a bump.... :dance:
Okay, still a bit catching up to do, so ........here goes

A Bee , doing the Bee thing, check out his pollen stash....I have watched a single bee make the rounds on an entire row, this particular bunch can carry some serious cargo.The honey bees, not so much....but they give it hell, and fly off after 4-5 plants.

The Purple Bhut, this plant is a monster, and has been churning out enough pods for an army this year.This is a plant that grew from a second generation plant after the initial growing season...meaning the seeds were from a pod grown here(aclimatized,slight genetic mutations by the parent to better match the local environment), vs the original bunch from who knows where really.Thirty five gallon container.

Red Douglahs, grown next a Monster Infinity,a Douglah Butch T, and a Douglah Moruga......the first season these pods were hot, but had no where near the placenta/oil that the 3 season pods show.Hmmm.

The Jonahs are coming!Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah Yellow....my new favorite yellow.Great Big Yellow!

The 7 Pot Jonah Yellow......

The Black Naga strikes again....The new pods are looking like mean giant browns with tails.Me like.

Jeckle and Hyde....

Just a shot of some turning Bhut x TS Cardi Yellows ...because I like color change!

The Douglah Bhut plant that started in April, put in the ground mid May, and this shot is about a month and a half old(54" then).The  pods are still green, but it does hint at how vigorous this cross is.The Satans are matching it, and went in at the same time.Most of the other varieties are a foot or so behind.
Have a great weekend, and live like you mean it!
Damn straight Dew!....in fact, I beleive its Shiner time right now!