• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR 2013,14, and 1 to grow on 2015!,..Just some pics of another on the go "grow"

The grow begins....pictureless. Because everyone should be able to "minds eye" a picture of dirt. Dirt on the road.....
in the back of an FJ for afew days -parking managed by sun light availability.3 days later 1 65 watt halogen to keep em warm.
On the tenth day(10 days after germ beganso closer to 2 weeks), I head back to the ranch-metaphorically thinking...or typing-whatever;)!

Over watered, because got over dry, sink or swim kids.....if you make it, you will rule!
At this point , they're being fed with 2 strip flourescents and a 90 watt grolight.
One cat thought , awesome, it is warm, the humans fuss over this spot, so I will sleep here.I gently extricate cat, for it knows not what it does. I assume waking up in the air will get my point across, as far as "must not sleep there".Seems to work.Uno , my ever watchful Jack Russell Valkyrie Familiar, drives the exclamation point home by chasing "Lira"up the nearest tree.Not much damage due skillful cat handling ;).

3 weeks....getting a watering schedule dialed, most sprouts have returned to their precat status, and yes some got helped back "up".2 or 3 were brutally uprooted in frustration, which I played off as "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!".No time for the sissy stuff this year.The missing plants have been split and put into 12 Oz'rs.
4 days after this, all potential plantlets were transplanted into 16/20oz cups. Yes I know"Its way to early said the choir"!!!!
Tough shit, hit the dirt, time to drive back to Houston.So I packed up the truck "and they moved to Beverly....", well Houston.
The next pic you will see one tupperware tray, the little kids get to stay home with the evil princess;).

I talk all this smack , and then notice when I get to Houston that the vibration has toppled half of the plants(narrow bases of the 16 oz cups walking around....ahhh F*ck,"We have casualties on the ground, I need air YESTERDAY! I say again...".Shit , Its 23:30.
In 30 minutes, they have been recupped and dual large bore IV'd.To prevent further damage, I seak out plastic cups at the nearest late night Indian owned gasvenience station.....What about beer you ask?....HeHeHe-I left home fully loaded, on ice, I hate driving around late at night looking for beer. I don't really like doing it for cups either, but you what you gotta do, or won't have a grow.The cups were(and did) to provide buffers for the tippers, and were placed inverted in various places to prevent VIT during additional transit required.Photo bucket crapped out so this is it for episode one.
Have a good one-

Addition relevant comments:
I believe new grow seeds for this round are all Chinense, and in order of appearance:
First up 1. Peach Bullets -R Alber; 2;Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues -3 days.
Second up 3. Carolina Reapers-Pepper Joe/Ed Currie; 4. Bhut Jolokia X 7 Pot Douglah-Matt G; 5. 7 Pot Browns-OBN; 8. Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon-R Alber;-5 days
Third up 9. Jay's Peach Bhut -OBN; 10. Brain Strain Orange-OBN; 11.White Fatalli-R Alber; 12. TS Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Yellow-??, 13. Bhut Jolokia x Chocolate Hab-Matt G-7 days

Failure to lauch :The Pumpkin (not a Butch T)....Bummer, and 2 others......?????
At the end of the next 9 day stretch ,all were tx'd to 20 oz cups, and nice rootage;)
The beasts of the bunch-Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues, and Then The Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragons, all of which had 6-8 leaves on departing for Ghana.
Interesting pics of your workplace Dave... it looks like a well-found ship, and they feed you well. The pod porn is exceptional! I hope your chiles didn't get wiped out with the cold we've been having lately... it's unusual for us to have safe ice to fish on in southern New England before Christmas, but it looks like we'll have it this year. Cheers!
So...curve ball time....my pods are gone so , maybe random stuf from under the deep blue sea....

A curious youngster.....

Queen Angel..cruising a platform...where nothing would be otherwise.

Squidlefish....okay, just cool lookin squid

A small "no step" zone......

AH....Male and female lionfish, which taste great by the way.Really. These have become nuisance fish that are putting quite a hurt on the local populations in the carribe....these are on a platform in the GOM.Picture off of ROV camera monitor.

Triggerfish..merciless bastidges, love to feed on exposed necks during deco stops, and fingers, so we in turn feed on them-the meat is excellent.
I do still have hot sauce and powder though onboard .. :woohoo:
Til next time!
Nice pics of the subs and the under water life.
That plate shot wasn't half bad neither.
Don't work too hard!
Loved the deep blue photos, gunner!  
How cool of a job is that, anyway!
I have read that lionfish are great tasting.
Why don't we just go out ad harvest the damn things?
Kill two 'birds' with one stone, as it were.
Sorry you're out of pods, but it's good you
stocked up on sauce 'n' powder!
Well, I can honestly say that I'm kinda glad the Moruga Satan that fell outta the bag.....and I found this AM,thinking Hell yeah!Just in time for breakfast, had started to go mushy and brown.LOL...mean bastidges.
So...more fishy stuff, just because I can.

Pissed of Medusa Squid gettin beaky with the sub at around a mile down.

Mangrove Snapper(mmmmmMMM!)

Locked out of the Bell at 500'

Tiger shark...this means YOU should go back and get those 5 gallon buckets!

Octopussy,....at about 2,000+/-'

Ratfish dark and deep...

Something sharp and hungry, deeper still...

A cuddly little Sea Roach
I think thats all she'll hold captain!!!!
Thanks for sharing the deep sea pics.
I take it those are from the unmanned subs? Close to 1/2 mile deep I guess so.
Anyways interesting job location! For one thing I guess never boring.
Stay safe!
So the 2014 season begins......with a bag of soil, 2 starter trays, an manila envelope full of seeds in back of the mobile "not a greenhouse".......round 1 on the road 2014.

Just exactly what I planned NOT to do again this year....but we do what we must when we have to.  
All ya gotta do ....
Roger, the subs are ROV's-15,000' rated , the pics are from hi def cameras(almost cheatin), some from divers helmet cam, the annotated ones are all ROV cameras.
Its all edible......to something somewhere!
Paul, Lionfish IS now on select menus in the carribean....and its delish;)!
And now the Round 1 List:
1. Moruga x BB7
2. Moruga x Naga
3. Moruga UV
4. Pink Tiger
5. Yellow 7 Pot x Douglah
7. Black Naga x Brain Strain 7 Pot Red
8. Douglah x Choc Bhut Jolokia
9. Douglah x TS Butch T Red Pheno
10. Douglah x TS Butch T Brown Pheno
11. 7 Pot Long x Douglah
12. 7 Pot Primo x TS Butch T
13. Armageddon
14. 7 Pot Brown "Best"
15. 7 Pot Barrackpore Chocolate
16. Brown Moruga
17. 7 Pot Brown
18. Bhut Jolokia Assam Raja JR Strain Peach
.....more to come :dance: :dance: :dance:
Have a good one-