Perhaps i didnt go into enough detail on the campaign and let people know a bit more. I think right now I am in a very odd place to be in. The economy and the direction our country is going in and in fact the entire world put things in a different perspective. One that sees that things are not what they seem. That the world is on a grinding path downwards and it does not appear to be changing that path anytime soon. In a stable environment even a few decades ago, I would take greater risks. I think taking a loan out with a large down payment on a piece of land is taking enough of a chance, and pretty damn close to "all in". As I said I don't want to finance any further, as debt right now is foolish to acquire imho. So I have my liveliness and responsibilities outside of a business to be wise with. I don't believe taking on another loan would be wise at this stage considering. I live by certain financial standards that I just don't deviate from, unlike most. Keeping things this way have greatly benefited us, and in this economic environment it can become a big advantage.
I do agree its a stretch to ask for 250K however if you don't try you don't get. I may not, but you never know. Again if someone would consider paying for another to go on vacation then why is it a stretch for what I am asking, lol? I am looking at several options but it cannot hurt to consider everything. I have never done a Kickstarter or Gofundme, so this is new to me. I know these things have a real possibility of taking off, so I wanted to give it a try.
Basically one of my chief goals which appears here not to be valued lol is to be debt free. As most view my unwillingness to do so as negative, it makes it hard for others to understand and see my position. Instead its viewed as if I am not "all in". I will accept that view from you and others, but it does not make it correct. Perspectives mean a lot in life. We live and believe and do things based upon perspectives. I do want to consider others perspective, but hope others afford me the same. I also understand you may not agree with my perspective. From my own, I see starting a new business to be a huge risk right now. Yes there are some places in the economy surging, but its very specific. So to me just doing what I have done already puts us in position to be all in. This farm is also going to be our primary residence. I am putting most of our savings into this as well, and so we are putting ourselves on the line and putting "our money where our mouths are". I just don't want to be a fool and put too much on us, as I want to keep this business and property for a long time. Taking too high of a risk can put yourself and family in a precarious position. The extent of that position would be too high in my opinion by taking out another loan. I err on the side of less rather than more when it comes to debt what can I say. I believe if you have an outstanding loan on whatever, you don't own it. I want to truly OWN my own business, not be owned. If I owe anything then its not mine. Not until its paid completely, and even then I still have to pay taxes. Call me crazy, old fashioned but I call it the truth. Years ago the ability to pay back those loans were pretty solid. Now?
Well thanks all for the input. I might not be successful with this campaign, but I believe I will be with the farm. Perhaps funding will have to come another way. You cannot fault me for trying though. At least what I am using it for benefits our economy, not just myself.
I do indeed have a plan, but I don't like it lol. I'm trying to enhance it and speed it along. But to do so without flooring us. In regards to not making funding I intend to use every dime I can towards this farm that is donated. I understand though people might not believe me.