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Gold Spike chile?

Have any of you ever grown or eaten (or even seen!) a Gold Spike chile? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Tasty? Big producer?

My pepper seedlings arrived from ChilePlants last week, and one of the Bhut Jolokias had leaf curl and was dropping leaves, so I emailed them, and they sent a replacement, which arrived today. They also surprised me by including an extra seedling - the Gold Spike chile. According to their site, it's a cayenne type, mid-season, and medium heat.

I'm interested in the plant! The seedling they sent is about 8-9" tall and already has one pepper growing (which I will pluck off tonight, along with the one flower).

Lastly, I have to say I'm extremely happy with Cross Country Nursery's service! They really rock! Next year I may also have to get some tomatoes from them. :)

- Eric
Here are some pics. :)



oneday I want to grow those different color cayennes & serrano's, but if you're interested in cayenne types & heat maybe you should checkout "cobra" supposed to be very hot & prolific, I was gonna order it this year but decided on something else but its on the substitute list
Look what I found! not as bright orange as that thai, but pretty orange.
A mystery Sudanese crossed with what apparently is a Bulgarian Carrot. I call it mystery Sudanese orange! :D creative, no? :P

Here's my thai orange

Doesn't this look like a gold spike

Wow, that looks like my plant..

I trust ChilePlants.com on what they say, I've never heard of anyone getting the wrong plant from them. I guess we'll see what I have in a month or so! :)