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Gonna quit if.......

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
oh btw the naga morich i transplanted saturday well
the thing is a freak today there is another bush
growing out from the side of it its getting a tiny bit
taller but getting very bushy all over is that normal,good,bad etc?????

Let the side shoots grow....they are producing more pods on my nagas than the main stems...matter of fact my first ripe one is on a side shoot and you are right...some of my side shoots are taller than the original plant...
We had to rush to save ours fro marble to golf ball sized hail the other day........had just moved them outside from the green house. Thank the Lord no major damage.
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Well thats it then tomorrow (after more storms predicted)
they are going out for good!!!:)Had some wicked sh8t today,
trees down power lines down garages on roofs garages split
in 2 but lucky most was north of me :)so they are
on their own now!!:lol:
oh btw the naga morich i transplanted saturday well
the thing is a freak today there is another bush
growing out from the side of it its getting a tiny bit
taller but getting very bushy all over is that normal,good,bad etc?????

I was thinking Wednesday as well. Those storms have been wicked as well. I heard the tornado siren go off on Sunday. I didn't hear of one though. We did get some hail, and there were some typical downed tree branches. Nothing like last year when my Dads neighbor had a heavy duty wood shed ripped from the concrete foundation and flipped over last year!:shocked: The couple plants that I've been sticking out in the sun for several hours a day are really loving it and they are ready. They'll be in big pots at my old mans Wednesday morning. I've got some little ones that may be ready to start hardening off in a couple weeks. (LATE start on those, but overwintering.)

On a side note about storms. While really bad ones that tear up plants are bad. I actually oddly am completely fascinated when the REALLY wicked ones come through. If the skys green, lightnings flashing, craps blowing around, hails falling, and the sirens are going off I oddly must admit I find myself not in the basement, but watching.....lol!! Just an oddly interesting display of nature.
I'm with you rabbit on the watching part...last month when I got the picture of the tornado that hit just west of us, the wife was in the inside closet while I was standing out in the back yard watching...I had just come under the patio when the hail started...was really loud on the aluminum cover....
AlabamaJack said:
I'm with you rabbit on the watching part...last month when I got the picture of the tornado that hit just west of us, the wife was in the inside closet while I was standing out in the back yard watching...I had just come under the patio when the hail started...was really loud on the aluminum cover....

You know you've gotta share that pic now!!!:D
My G/F and I are the same as well. When the storms came and the
siren went off we went outside to watch.:lol:1 summer we were
coming home from an up north trip on the radio there was a newsbreak of a tornado warning that just happened to be near
the exit we were approaching so we got off freeway to look
but didnt see anything. I know stupid move on our part :lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
My G/F and I are the same as well. When the storms came and the
siren went off we went outside to watch.:lol:1 summer we were
coming home from an up north trip on the radio there was a newsbreak of a tornado warning that just happened to be near
the exit we were approaching so we got off freeway to look
but didnt see anything. I know stupid move on our part :lol:
Don't sweat it man. I would have done the same thing. Honestly my wife probably would have too. Would have been stupid to have been caught up in one if that was the case, but that's what makes it that much funner! Also, just so you know if I ever get stuck in one I won't make it back home. There's no way I'm wearing ruby red slippers!:shocked::lol: