Good news for the Brazilian Starfish

KrakenPeppers said:
I grew Brazilian Starfish plants last year. They grow fast and stretch high quickly.. Their prolific in pods and ripen quickly. They have a fresh green flavour like a mild apple and when fresh and taste more like a sweet fruitiness when dried. They need lots of support as there lanky and the branches sag a lot. I recommend you top them early on they will grow many more branches if you do otherwise there narrow and more stalk then branch..
Drying the pods is easy too, just put fresh pods in a plastic tray and let them go on the bench, they dry down to tiny little pods as they don't have much flesh, easy to cut open and flick the seeds out.
I'm about to make some Brazilian Starfish powder today from about 150 pods.  
I made the powder a few weeks ago now.. No real heat at all, and only the smallest amount of flavour... I would HIGHLY recommend using these peppers fresh or maybe cooked but not the best for powder.. Maybe a rough flake would work better..
PS... he colour is great for the powder though, a really intense red and glossy....