• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Google is no longer my friend....

I've lived my life in such a different world than some people!   I guess I've missed out on some things, butt I think I'm OK with that.
I'd like to see AJ do the first Amazon review on the product.  Whatsay, AJ?
I tried to cross a moruga scorpion with a butch t.  Of the few plants I got from the experiment, most pods look like moruga scorpion.  One plant is throwing pods that look like a triple ripple butt plug.  So searches something like pepper that looks like a butt plug.  Had no idea I would find a butt plug that looks like pepper.  Started to think:

You can prick your finger in public, but not finger your prick.
In every state it is legal to own a plant pot but in most not a pot plant.

Order is so very important in our language.