Found some at HD, mix by the label, or is it too strong at that ratio?
Indoors and in dry weather, I would only use 1 oz per gallon. Directions say 2-4 but that is real strong for wet weather conditions. If you want to see the stuff really do its job, stick to the directions and it will blow your mind.Found some at HD, mix by the label, or is it too strong at that ratio?
I must say this stuff kicks butt... I figured if it dosen't work, I would return to HD. Well 4 oz a gallon, i did 1 oz to 40 oz in my small sprayer, all the lil bastards are brown and dead this morn. Now I guess I'll just take back the other stuff I bought. Thanks for the info.
I must say this stuff kicks butt... all the lil bastards are brown and dead this morn.
Pyrethrins and sulphur. Both are natural pesticides and the sulphur is also a fungicide and bactericide. You can find liquid sources and make your own like I do.
Pepper growers can be stubborn sometimes!