something i can relate to
lol i get pulled over and searched every month, use to it now
this is how usually goes.
"Licence please"
"um what did i do this time?"
"you were going a bit fast, mr Smith have you ever been in trouble with the police before?"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats why you are pulling me over isn't it,, you type my plate No. into computer, it came up {Likely to posess illegal substances ) so, ya have to make up a lame excuse to pull me over and search. Go Berserk"
"wait here a moment please" tottles back, gets in, has a chat with the Sgnt or Senior Const..
Pops Back, now if im alone i get called a smartarse and car searched, if Family with, get warning to drive slower and told to be on my way..