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seeds Got seeds planted last night.

Hey all finally got my seeds planted last night. My method and ingredients consisted of. Soaking seeds for 4 hours in a hydrogen peroxide mix (slipped up an used tap) An where we live our water is community well water. With a lot calcium and minerals. Then soaked seed again in a distilled water soak for 3 more hours until they sank. Then potted up in a jeffy seed starter mix "sifted". Into 5 oz solo cups. Then bottomed watered and misted the tops. From there placed cups into hydrofarm germination station (with out using the supplied tray of course) with the supplied heating mat being used full time no thermostat. Have checked temps threw out the day. An bottom of cup is reading around 90 f as around seed depth is about 83-87 in certain areas on mat. Now my question is does all sound like it's going to work? An did I mess up using my local tap water and to long of an hp soak in the first initial soak? Thanks again for any responses. An look forward "hopefully for a plentiful bounty.
Your soil temp at seed depth is right on...Tap water is fine to use - generally speaking, if it's good enough to drink, it's good enough for plants..Keep moist, NOT wet!
Usually tap water is ok to use! If you see it adversely affecting plants down the line, then just let it sit out over night before use. Shouldn't be a big deal though - I use tap water most of the time. But I also leave what I don't use set out over night. By morning all the chlorine is gone and we are good to go. If you are using a well, its probably not treated with Chlorine, and you needn't worry.
Thanks for the quick responses guys. Was just hoping tap wa fine. An yea it's well water. Distilled has been used in everything after that.
Now be patient :) ..Depending on what seeds you have planted, they may take up to 3-4 weeks to germinate - superhots take the longest time to germinate, typically.
Wild varieties (not likely something that op has) can take up too, or longer than 3 months under ideal circumstances....

patience young padwan. soon growing peppers you will be.
Sounds like you have everything under control. Hope you will
post some pics of your plants as they get going. Don't sweat
the minor stuff ; )
Trying to figure out how to post pics on here. Have started a photobucket acct. An uploaded some to there. Just can't figure out how to get them from there to here. As I am only working with a mobile device. An thanks again, patience is the key now huh? Have some wilds "extra" sent from Pepperlover an thought is was to late in the year to start. As our growing season usually ends the 1st to mid Oct.
LOL, think I scared him off last time I talked to him. Once he told me how he got his pro-mix and I used to be a landscaper. I've had to do worse to get chemicals. He has nothing to worry about.
That should work although your temps might be a little high. Ideal is around 80F IMO. Maybe poke some holes in your lid. I think you went overkill on the soaking - I just soak mine for a minute in regular old well water before planting.