free Gotrox 2013 Free Mystery Seed Giveaway

Seeds from the cutting board, all hots to supers, 90% Chinense's,
Any pod I couldn't absolutely identify 100% (except for a small amount of Hab seeds I have way too many of)

For instance, Boxes with only a couple types, one type, or already tagged by the sender, boxes I recieved with types I could easily identify, are what I call 100% identified.

Mixed boxes from any source, odd pods, (even in a box of identified peppers) boxes with nicely tagged peppers where some tags fell off, seeds from several sources of the same type (I.E. Red Bhuts taken from several different boxes of peppers) are what is in the free seed packets.

How many?
15 packets

How many seeds in each?
Didn't count, but look:

How much does it cost?

Will you send it to -----------?

I will send them anywhere, if the USPS will allow it-----but I can't guarantee it will make it through your customs, nor will I be buying any insurance or confirmation of delivery.
No warrany, or fitness for a particular purpose, no guarantee of pure strain or viability.

But---it doesn't cost you anything, except a promise that if you have a really good season, or excess seed, you do similar in the future.


15 only---it's all the packets I have.
Post your number here, and pm me with your number and full address.
In case of duplicate posts with same number, first number gets it.
Received the mystery seeds today, many thanks, you seem oddly familiar? Maybe I've exchanged seeds with you at another time, tomatoes maybe?
Thanks again, pleasant weekend to you!
Received the mystery seeds today, many thanks, you seem oddly familiar? Maybe I've exchanged seeds with you at another time, tomatoes maybe?
Thanks again, pleasant weekend to you!

Not likely.
25 years in the high desert, never tried to grow much but trees.

Couple years ago, someone brought me some Bhut's to try.

Addicted now.

Enjoy the seeds. There are bound to be some interesting results.