free Gotrox 2013 Free Mystery Seed Giveaway

I thought I'd update on the mystery peppers:

I decided to grow two for the moment.


This one is blurry but you get the idea!

I had a little surprise waiting for me in the mail when I got home yesterday, so another has safely arrived. Thanks again and I'll get some pics up once they start growing.
Just thought I'd tell you Gotrox... The package came today.
Thanks !
I'll be saving more seeds and freezing less this year so I can pass along for next year.
Now whats gonna pop from these guys.. haha
It'l be fun finding out.
I meant to post this awhile ago but have been so busy it just keeps slipping my mind.  Luckily on this lazy dog dangling sunday, I have nothing better to do then throw up a pic or two...
This was the first pod to pop out, we didn't even notice it right away as it was hiding deep in the foliage.  Here's a shot of the plant it's on.
This was from a couple weeks ago, maybe a month.  It's now covered in tiny little peppers, hopefully they have long enough to mature.  Even if they don't I plan on bringing them all inside to overwinter, so we'll get to see them in action next year.  I'll post some more pics when they've matured more, just wanted to show my appreciation once again for the generous offer.