• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

grantmichaels [2013, 2015, 2016]

I'm thinking I might do a glog this time around ...

I'm really good about photodoc'ing, but a little lax w/ posting ...

New arrivals from CCN soaking up the negative ions and perking up after their trip down the Eastern Coast ...

Hey, Grant.  You wanted pics of my Wild Brazil from last year - here's the first one, July 7, 2014:

July 27:

July 31:

August 10:

September 4:



I hope this was helpful, Grant.  Sorry to take up so much space.
oohh those charapita look similar too ...
it's not wild brazil ...
the closest we've seen, and i agree that it's *very* similar ...
so we've got charapita and cumari as definite contenders ...
queequeg152 said:
damn. big ass gekos like that are wild in flordia?
i  lived in daytona for a few years and ive never seen anything like that.
yet another invasive species ...
parrots, pythons/boa's, gecko's, iguana's ...
touristas ...
grantmichaels said:
i'll send them to whomever ... i'll repackage given the changes and count them tomorrow ...
No I wasn't saying send him some. Send him a message asking him to describe the flavor profile of charapita rather, to see if its similar to yours. For some reason I thought Nigel did a review on it but I can't find it. Thats how I came up with "The Marvelous Life Of The Charapita" vid.
Grant, Enjoy that Tepin X Lemon drop that I sent ya. I got them from smileyguy697 I got two plants going this season. Supposed to be really tasty peppers that pack a decent heat. Not sure if you watched Nigels review of them but definitely worth making room for at least one. 
Grant, Enjoy that Tepin X Lemon drop that I sent ya. I got them from smileyguy697 I got two plants going this season. Supposed to be really tasty peppers that pack a decent heat. Not sure if you watched Nigels review of them but definitely worth making room for at least one. 

it 'twas the one i'm most excited about, yes ...
grantmichaels said:
I am releasing the Mystery Citrus, and I have divided up the original seed stock and have some reservations for folks - for one reason or another ...
If your name is below, and you would like to claim your reservation, just reply to the thread indicating it, and PM me an addy ...
That's bad ass G! I'm down. ;-)
grantmichaels said:
it 'twas the one i'm most excited about, yes ...
They are quite deceptive. The pods from my F4 packed quite a bit of heat. I have limited (maybe 30ish) ISO F5 seeds for anyone who mine want some btw. Not too much and will be sending majority back to smileguy, but can definitely spare some. These are from the smooth tear drop shaped pheno posted in my glog.
grantmichaels said:
oohh those charapita look similar too ...
it's not wild brazil ...
the closest we've seen, and i agree that it's *very* similar ...
so we've got charapita and cumari as definite contenders ...
I was under the impression that the cumari do para and the wild brazil were essentially the same, but I have only ever tried cumari do para so can't say for sure. What I can say is that the ones I got to try were not that vibrant of a yellow. I think I got them from cappy (pepper ridge farms).