• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

grantmichaels [2013, 2015, 2016]

GM: I read you glog almost completely, I am here :P
I have searched about your Mystery Citrus seeds. I dont find nothing about this pepper. You have a pic the fruit. I have curiosityto know
PS: A few pages ago, you cut something that seems like cheese.  What is it?
Homemade soap maybe?
cypresshill1973 said:
GM: I read you glog almost completely, I am here :P
I have searched about your Mystery Citrus seeds. I dont find nothing about this pepper. You have a pic the fruit. I have curiosityto know
PS: A few pages ago, you cut something that seems like cheese.  What is it?
Homemade soap maybe?
Yup, we cooked soap for a while.

I actually really enjoy making soap, just not for other people ...
Making effective soap for us was/is cool ... while making pretty and fragrant soap for other people, is not cool ...
cypresshill1973 said:
GM: I read you glog almost completely, I am here :P
I have searched about your Mystery Citrus seeds. I dont find nothing about this pepper. You have a pic the fruit. I have curiosityto know
PS: A few pages ago, you cut something that seems like cheese.  What is it?
Homemade soap maybe?


I'll have a month head-start on a pair ;)

cypresshill1973 said:
Cool!!! do you make using olive oil or other kinf of vegetable oil?
Years ago, I have read about this.
Olive, Coconut, Argan, Castor ... you use different oils to have different properties ...
Olive is skin neutral and naturally antibacterial, Coconut lathers very well, a small amount of Castor makes the bars harder etc ...
Then there's the aspect of assing essential oils, and/or textural modifiers (clays, grit, etc) ...
It's kind of cool ... I found it relaxing, actually ...
PS - If beer is barley, hops, and water ... Soap is saponified fat in lye ... Actually, your grill is an example of old word ... if you dripped water on the ash and fat drippings of your grill, you would see soap bubbles made ... in the old world, it would flow down the mountains when it rained on the spit fires where the animal fat drippings and ash were ...
grantmichaels said:
Yup, we cooked soap for a while.
I actually really enjoy making soap, just not for other people ...
Making effective soap for us was/is cool ... while making pretty and fragrant soap for other people, is not cool ...


I'll have a month head-start on a pair ;)

I'm growing Just the Orange wild brazil this year not reg wild but curious to see how these stack up. Also growing cumari do para but that seems to be more oval shaped than the round pods you have. I get mixed results on google most are oval but some are round and yellow while yours appear to be more an orange color. 
Just a lil baby still

I don't seem to have any pics of the reg wild brazil but they are from ajijoe so they would be the same as his. 
Yeah, it's not going to be Wild Brazil ...
The leaves were smaller and very dark green ... that's a small plant and it already has larger leaves than the mature one's from the Mystery Citrus, unless my eyes deceive me ...
We'll all know in 2-3 months ...
grantmichaels said:
Are the cumari leaves kind of leathery, a little thicker than usual?
Not noticeably but that can all be subjective to growing conditions as well. Though comparing the plants I'd say the cumari was closer to the two little ones you have. 
cypresshill1973 said:
GM: I read you glog almost completely, I am here :P
I have searched about your Mystery Citrus seeds. I dont find nothing about this pepper. You have a pic the fruit. I have curiosityto know
PS: A few pages ago, you cut something that seems like cheese.  What is it?
Homemade soap maybe?
Grant, did you cut the cheese?
D3monic said:
Not noticeably but that can all be subjective to growing conditions as well. Though comparing the plants I'd say the cumari was closer to the two little ones you have. 
the cumari is definitely the closest i've seen ...
when I google it, i see pictures where about 20% of the whole page of photos look like the Mystery Citrus ...
while i've been pretty adamant the wild brazil isn't it, the cumari looks related ... perhaps the same ...
while i don't have cumari, you'll have both - as well as wild brazil - so hopefully we'll really know something ...
been bugging me for years ...
grantmichaels said:
the cumari is definitely the closest i've seen ...
when I google it, i see pictures where about 20% of the whole page of photos look like the Mystery Citrus ...
while i've been pretty adamant the wild brazil isn't it, the cumari looks related ... perhaps the same ...
while i don't have cumari, you'll have both - as well as wild brazil - so hopefully we'll really know something ...
been bugging me for years ...
Image results for yellow bird pepper also come up looking extremely similar but then I read that they are possibly the same as cumari. 
Also see tettinas de monk aka  aji charapita. Seems to be a strong candidate as well. 
D3monic said:
Image results for yellow bird pepper also come up looking extremely similar but then I read that they are possibly the same as cumari. 
Also see tettinas de monk aka  aji charapita. Seems to be a strong candidate as well. 
no, those look more like all of the tepins/chiltepins i grew trying to figure it out ...
the two closest looking things are Wild Brazil and the Cumari ...
Shorerider said:
I accept, thanks for your generous offer Grant.

Mystery Citrus is going to at least Argentina and Australia so far ... a little expat fun!
i'm trying to get them to wayright (his PM box is full), hogleg and other folks who have probably grown a lot of pods ...
i tried to send some to ajijoe ...
just so we're all clear ...
i'm saying if you like little fruity/citrusy hot peppers, these are better than all of the one's i ordered from CCN and elsewhere trying to figure out what they were ...
i didn't cross anything, i didn't make anything, they are just wild peppers that happen to be really good ...
everyone who gets them is part of trying to figure out what peppers they are, nobody is saying it's a new pepper ...
just so it's clear =)
i just think they are better, and it might simply be because they grow wild in a cluster and have self-selected over iterations? ...
D3monic said:
Image results for yellow bird pepper also come up looking extremely similar but then I read that they are possibly the same as cumari. 
Also see tettinas de monk aka  aji charapita. Seems to be a strong candidate as well. 
this leaf looks like how i remember the one's in the initial bag ...
Thanks for the offer GM but it's way to late to be starting seeds here. If you had done this a month ago that would of been great. Pass my seeds along to someone who can use them. All the best and thanks for thinking of me