food Green Shrimp Curry

I've avoided shrimp in my curry since the first time I tried it, because the shrimp were mushy in a way I'd not experienced before prior ...
buddy notes to simmer for only a minute or two at the end ... and I think that would prevent what I'm talking about, because I'm sure we left it there for 20-30 mins to let the flavors combine ...
I will have to try curry w/ shrimp again, now, because I would like to be able to have some of my curry dishes w/ shrimp - and I think this post goes right, where we'd gone wrong ...
Thanks for sharing.
I have not made shrimp curry, but I a sure it is very similar to when I make seafood gumbo.  I actually wait until the end, turn the heat off, and THEN add the shrimp.  The residual heat is more than enough to cook them.
Green Curry Chicken
boneless chicken breasts
green pepper
curry paste
kaffir lime leaves
coconut milk
chicken broth
lime juice
thai basil
basmati rice


I would have been inclined to douse it w/ RED powder, and then I'd have drank it inside out and got up for a second bowl ... which I'd have had by teh teaspoon, mindfully.
I keep a little prep dish w/ a slurry of corn starch (I have also, but haven't tried yet, tapioca starch for this) whenever I do Asian these days ...
I also have a jar with some kaffir leaves and a kaffir leaf powder, neither of which I have tried yet ...
How was the flavor? ...
As described, then ...
I try a single leaf the first time, LOL ...
I have to figure out the right meat to use for velveting some beef for my Asian exploration ...
Hey buddy that's a nice summer meets winter curry with zucchini and sweet potato. Very nice!
Nice too P2K!
Very nice curry there Jay, I just wouldn't dig large pieces of chicken breast like that. I'd pound the breast down to a 1/2" and cut into uniform pieces.
The King of Curry sent me a recipe and a few supplies,so Ima jack his thread  :high:

Diggin the fragrance

I could eat it just like this!   

Thats whats up


This was my first attempt at making Curry
Thanks for the help T , this stuff is incredible
wayright said:
The King of Curry sent me a recipe and a few supplies,so Ima jack his thread  :high:

Diggin the fragrance

I could eat it just like this!   

Thats whats up


This was my first attempt at making Curry
Thanks for the help T , this stuff is incredible
Looks beyond amazing . . . nicely done!  This is one of my all-time favorite curry recipes.  Glad that you liked it.